The Magic Box (SOLD OUT)

Over 50 years ago, Tim Ellis was given a magic box by his Grandfather. He spent months learning every single trick that he could.
Now he's going to reopen the box and show you, not only the tricks that started his life long obsession with magic, but how they look after 50 years of practice!
This 80 minute full-evening show will take you places you didn't think existed as you mind will be fully expanded and your heart will overflow with joy.
Featuring original music by Dane Certificate
"A night of laughter, amazement and sheer joy!" - Trip Advisor
"90 minutes of gasps and wide-eyed astonishment." - The Age
(To protect the secrecy of The Laneway Theatre, a map with the precise address will be emailed to you as soon as you book. If you don't receive it, check your spam folder or contact us immediately).
Suitable for all ages but recommended for 10+ (There is one moment in the show where some may prefer to look away...)
Wil Anderson visited the show and shared his experience on his podcast. You can hear all about it by clicking HERE. Starts at 37.30 minutes in.
The Laneway Theatre
Secret Location, Northcote Vic 3070