The Ruth and Vincent Megaw Lecture in Archaeology and Art

Primate extinction: exploring the timing and drivers, Presented by Dr Kira Westaway, Macquarie UniversityIn this talk, Dr Westaway will review three attempts we have made to define the extinction of three well-known primates; Homo floresiensis, in Flores Indonesia, Homo erectus in Ngandong Java and Gigantopithecus blacki in southern China. Dr Westaway will outline a dating strategy for each area and assess the implications of these resulting chronologies. These examples suggest that whether primates are large or small, whether they have been around for a long time or a short time, certain species' traits can make them vulnerable to climatic and environmental changes. A robust dating context helps us to pin-point these potential changes and allow us to assess primate response from a behavioural perspective. These findings have implications for primate survival in the future.
Flinders City Campus at Festival Plaza
Level 14, One Festival Tower,, Station Road, Adelaide SA 5000