Field Walk: Ground to Grub (SOLD OUT)
Join RegenWA and Willarra Gold for a field walk encompassing soil health with special guest Matthew Evans.
Matthew Evans is a food writer, farmer, television broadcaster and chef. Based in Southern Tasmania, Matthew lives and works on Fat Pig Farm, a mixed holding where he tends a garden, makes cider, fattens the namesake pigs and tries to entice milk from two full cream dairy cows for his onsite restaurant.
As a grower and chef, Matthew has become mesmerised by how soil health, human health, and flavour are all intertwined.
Willarra Gold is a family-run farming business producing Hass avocados, passionfruit and managing livestock for production of lambs and beef cattle. The family farm takes pride in making products that are high quality, delicious, nutrient dense and grown regeneratively in a matter that utilises natural biodiversity and improves the land on which they farm.
Matthew Evans is a food writer, farmer, television broadcaster and chef. Based in Southern Tasmania, Matthew lives and works on Fat Pig Farm, a mixed holding where he tends a garden, makes cider, fattens the namesake pigs and tries to entice milk from two full cream dairy cows for his onsite restaurant.
As a grower and chef, Matthew has become mesmerised by how soil health, human health, and flavour are all intertwined.
Willarra Gold is a family-run farming business producing Hass avocados, passionfruit and managing livestock for production of lambs and beef cattle. The family farm takes pride in making products that are high quality, delicious, nutrient dense and grown regeneratively in a matter that utilises natural biodiversity and improves the land on which they farm.
Willarra Gold
Manjimup WA 6258
Contact Details