A series of talks about speech and language development for parents of children aged 2 to 5 attending international schools in Thailand.
This series of talks will be presented by Lorelle Evans, Speech Pathologist, from Australian Therapy Services Asia. Lorelle has over twenty years experience working with children. She now provides support for children with difficulties in speech and language in international schools in Thailand via telehealth.
This series of talks is presented in conjunction with Australian International School Bangkok as part of their 20 year anniversary celebrations.
The presentation will cover communication development from two to five years covering what to expect and how to support communication development at home. The sessions will focus on:
1. Language Development - covers listening, understanding, talking, vocabulary and grammar
2. Speech Sound Development - covers production of clear speech sounds using the tongue and lips
3. Bilingual Language Development - covers what to expect and how to best support
4. Reading and Play - covers how to incorporate strategies into everyday book reading and play
930 to 1015 am Bangkok Local Time
Tuesday 7th March
Tuesday 14th March
Tuesday 21st March
Tuesday 28th March
Each session will include a 30 minute presentation (with quick reference handouts to keep) and 15 minute question and answer time
Online presentation: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85448089827?pwd=cXI2c2ZGdjA3SUw1SVJmK09rZjdrdz09