Rosemergy Catfish Cull 2024
10th of February, 2024, Motuoapa Fishing Club, Lake Taupo
Thanks to our sponsors:
Department of Conservation

Shoot as many cats as you can in Lake Taupo! This is a one-day spearfishing event for new and old divers to enjoy. The rules are simple... you and your dive partner spear as many catfish as you can whilst freediving, and using a pole spear/Hawaiian sling. Also, there are prizes for the smallest, and largest, cats.
$50 adult / $20 Under 18's.
(Includes event T shirt)
Prizes for first, second and third in Open, Women's, Juniors, Spot prizes.
$50 adult / $20 Under 18's.
(Includes event T shirt)
Prizes for first, second and third in Open, Women's, Juniors, Spot prizes.
Collect Tshirts from 7.00am at the Motuoapa Fishing Club.
COMPULSORY Safety Briefing for ALL COMPETITORS and BOAT SKIPPERS at 8.00am at the fishing club.
A limited number of Wettie pole spears will be available for purchase before the briefing at $40 for a 2-piece and $60 for a 3-piece spear.
All competitiors must be out of the water by 2.30pm or risk disqualification. Weigh in closes at 4.00pm.
Please down load and read the information pack and rules below before the competition day.
Motuoapa Fishing & Boating Club
8 Arataha Street, Motuoapa, Taupo 3382
Contact Details