Drama and Music (Year 1 - 4) - STARTING WEEK 4!
Drama and Music - Cross-curricular ActivityJoin Mr Raphael for an hour of drama and music. The children will learn skills in voice and drama through singing in a playful environment. The classes will involve warm ups for the voice and theatre games that get them to express themselves.
Silly songs and tongue twisters that will aid diction and confidence in speaking and singing.
Aural exercises that require strong listening to a leader, to themselves and one another.
A supportive environment that will encourage that mistakes happen and how to learn and support self.
WHEN: Monday 3.30-4.30pm
DURATION: Week 4 to Week 10
AGE: Years 1 to 4
COST: $140 per term
Terms and Conditions are on the QMC website.
Junior School After School Activity
53 Hobson Street, Queen Margaret College, THORNDON 6011