
Environment Agency

We work to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development.

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Engineering Quarterly - January

Monday 27 January 2025
This is an in person training session - spaces are limited. This workshop is open to AP, Graduate Engineers and Field Teams. It is a beginners workshop, staff of all grades and experience are welcome. This workshop will broaden your understanding of Engineering topics including: • Hard Raised Defences • York FAS Raised Defences Defects • Standards Changes If you are unable to make the training please cancel your place as early as possible. If you are unable to cancel your place via TryBooking please email yorkshire_training@environment-agency.gov.uk and we will cancel it for you.
Foss House - CR01, CR02, CR03
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Parenting & Return to work support session - Team Leader

Wednesday 20 November 2024
An informative session around how to manage a team member when returning to work. We will be looking at each stage of this process from preparing to depart, managing whilst off and supporting upon their return. You will be signposted to helpful guidance documents and tools, network and support groups and we will go through real life case studies and lessons learnt from some of our Area colleagues. We will be tailoring the sessions around your individual concerns and queries by providing a form to submit topics of discussion ahead of the day.
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Working With Others Introductory Training

Wednesday 13 November 2024
Working With Others (WWO) – is the EA’s approach to good engagement. Everyone can benefit from understanding the basics of the WWO approach to plan, do and evaluate internal and external engagement. On Wednesday 13th November between 10am and 12pm, this training session will provide you with an overview of the tools and techniques to help you identify who, when, why and how to carry out engagement of any size. Whether you are new to the EA or have been ‘working with others’ for a number of years, this introductory training will help you to recognise the benefits of this approach, the importance of effective engagement planning and how it fits in with your role in the organisation. The course, hosted on Microsoft Teams, will also show you how to find lots of guidance and more detailed training in the WWO SharePoint site, which you can access whenever you need. A teams invite will be sent to you approximately a week before the event.
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Flood Warden Induction Training

Between Thursday 6 June 2024 and Thursday 7 November 2024
Online Induction training for new Volunteer Community Flood Wardens delivered by the Environment Agency. In this training we will cover climate change and flood risk across Yorkshire, the role of a flood warden, how to prepare for flooding and be aware of the dangers of flooding, and what to expect when working with emergency responders. Please click 'book now' in the top right corner to choose your session time. You will receive Zoom joining details in your confirmation email upon booking.
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New Warden Induction Training - PM (CANCELLED)

Between Thursday 14 March 2024 and Thursday 7 November 2024
Online Induction training for new Volunteer Community Flood Wardens delivered by the Environment Agency. Please click 'book now' in the top right corner to choose your session time. You will receive Zoom joining details in your confirmation email upon booking.
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Exemplar Leadership - YAPP - Beverley

Thursday 10 October 2024
Exemplar Leadership – the Yorkshire Area People Plan One of the work areas in the Yorkshire People Plan is Exemplar Leadership. This is a grand statement, and few would stand up and say I am an exemplar leader. So, what does is this element of the Yorkshire People Plan really trying to achieve? We already do lots of things to support leaders in our organisation, from learning zone courses, coaching and mentoring, to a bespoke programme for aspiring team leaders, to name but a few. Yorkshire Area Leadership Team are keen to explore supporting a pathway to making “leading people in Yorkshire” a job that people in Yorkshire want to do. To kick this off, we are running several friendly and informal sessions around our offices and depots to discuss what makes a great leader, what you are already doing and what the EA expects of its leaders, and how we can support future leaders.
Beverley Office
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Engineering Quarterly - September

Monday 30 September 2024
This is an in person training session - spaces are limited. This workshop is open to AP, Graduate Engineers and Field Teams. It is a beginners workshop, staff of all grades and experience are welcome. This workshop will broaden your understanding of Engineering topics including: • Debris Screens • Culverts • Where to Find Information If you are unable to make the training please cancel your place as early as possible. If you are unable to cancel your place via TryBooking please email yorkshire_training@environment-agency.gov.uk and we will cancel it for you.
Foss House - CR01, CR02, CR03
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Exemplar Leadership - YAPP - Leeds

Wednesday 25 September 2024
Exemplar Leadership – the Yorkshire Area People Plan One of the work areas in the Yorkshire People Plan is Exemplar Leadership. This is a grand statement, and few would stand up and say I am an exemplar leader. So, what does is this element of the Yorkshire People Plan really trying to achieve? We already do lots of things to support leaders in our organisation, from learning zone courses, coaching and mentoring, to a bespoke programme for aspiring team leaders, to name but a few. Yorkshire Area Leadership Team are keen to explore supporting a pathway to making “leading people in Yorkshire” a job that people in Yorkshire want to do. To kick this off, we are running several friendly and informal sessions around our offices and depots to discuss what makes a great leader, what you are already doing and what the EA expects of its leaders, and how we can support future leaders.
Leeds Lateral
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Exemplar Leadership - YAPP - York

Monday 12 August 2024
Exemplar Leadership – the Yorkshire Area People Plan One of the work areas in the Yorkshire People Plan is Exemplar Leadership. This is a grand statement, and few would stand up and say I am an exemplar leader. So, what does is this element of the Yorkshire People Plan really trying to achieve? We already do lots of things to support leaders in our organisation, from learning zone courses, coaching and mentoring, to a bespoke programme for aspiring team leaders, to name but a few. Yorkshire Area Leadership Team are keen to explore supporting a pathway to making “leading people in Yorkshire” a job that people in Yorkshire want to do. To kick this off, we are running several friendly and informal sessions around our offices and depots to discuss what makes a great leader, what you are already doing and what the EA expects of its leaders, and how we can support future leaders.
York Foss Office
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Exemplar Leadership - YAPP - Templeborough

Thursday 18 July 2024
Exemplar Leadership – the Yorkshire Area People Plan One of the work areas in the Yorkshire People Plan is Exemplar Leadership. This is a grand statement, and few would stand up and say I am an exemplar leader. So, what does is this element of the Yorkshire People Plan really trying to achieve? We already do lots of things to support leaders in our organisation, from learning zone courses, coaching and mentoring, to a bespoke programme for aspiring team leaders, to name but a few. Yorkshire Area Leadership Team are keen to explore supporting a pathway to making “leading people in Yorkshire” a job that people in Yorkshire want to do. To kick this off, we are running several friendly and informal sessions around our offices and depots to discuss what makes a great leader, what you are already doing and what the EA expects of its leaders, and how we can support future leaders.
Templeborough Office
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Leeds Date - Conflict Resolution Training for FCRM

Tuesday 30 January 2024
Conflict resolution training delivered by the conflict training company
Park Plaza Leeds
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Engineering Quarterly - Reservoirs and Incident Response

Monday 22 January 2024
About this event This workshop is open to AP, Graduate Engineers and Field Teams. It is a beginners workshop, staff of all grades and experience are welcome. This workshop will broaden your understanding of Engineering topics. There will be three presentations on: 1) Reservoir failures 2) Reservoir & Embankment Incident Response Solutions 3) Temporary defences NOTE: This event is for members of the Environment Agency and when registering you must use an environment-agency.gov.uk email address. We are not able to accept reservations made with a personal address.
CR01/02/03 Foss house
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York Date - Conflict Resolution Training for FCRM

Tuesday 16 January 2024
Conflict resolution training delivered by the conflict training company
DoubleTree by Hilton York
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Monday 25 December 2023
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Tuesday 19 December 2023
Foss house
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Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoWCoP)

Thursday 23 November 2023
The DoW CoP provides a clear, consistent and efficient process which enables the reuse of excavated materials on-site or their movement between sites. Use of the DoW CoP supports the sustainable and cost effective development of land. It can provide an alternative to Environmental Permits or Waste Exemptions. The DoW CoP enables: - the direct transfer and reuse of clean naturally occurring soil materials between sites - the conditions to support the establishment/operation of fixed soil treatment facilities - the reuse of both contaminated/uncontaminated materials on their site of origin and between sites within defined Cluster projects The training will be delivered from CL:aire. It’ll be most relevant waste teams and GWCL.
CR03 - Foss House
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What kind of manager are you? (virtual option) (CANCELLED)

Friday 17 November 2023
In this session Ben Cackett and James Parker share insights into understanding 'what kind of manager you are'. You will complete a series of questions and then have some time to discuss your managerial style. This session will help you gain insight into yourself and how you can work with your team and peers. This option is for virtual attendance - if you would like to attend face to face please use the face to face link. There will be Foss house staff drinks at the Black Swan @ 3:30pm. NOTE: This event is for members of the Environment Agency and when registering you must use an environment-agency.gov.uk email address.
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Yorkshire Flood Warden - Winter Preparedness #2 (CANCELLED)

Friday 11 November 2022
A session for Yorkshire Flood Wardens, covering Flood Warning validation and the ways we can help each other improve them. Followed by a chance to share your knowledge with each other. The masses of accumulated knowledge and experience that exists in this network is an untapped resource that can help groups across Yorkshire to be better prepared for a flood incident. Please come along to virtually meet each other and be ready to ask and answer questions to help you and your community prepare, respond and recover from flooding. Feel free to drop in and out of this session at any point
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Introduction to Emergency Recovery

Friday 11 November 2022
Hosted by Communities Prepared, during this session we will collectively reflect on how we can best recover and thrive after an emergency. We will look at what is meant by ‘emergency recovery', what assistance you can expect from emergency services, government and other organisations, collectively share stories or lessons that we have experienced or heard about that could assist us to prepare for recovery and, finally, look at what skills you can develop to better prepare yourself for emergency recovery. www.communitiesprepared.org.uk
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Communicating Flood Risk

Friday 11 November 2022
Designed and hosted by iCASP using academic and field expertise, this interactive scenario-based session aims to improve flood risk communication during an incident to help increase the resilience of those at risk. It will give you the chance to experience first-hand what is important to others involved in managing flood risk and their different perspective on communication. Katie Kimber, flood warden in Luddenfoot, Calderdale, said: “...The public need simple and concise communication in order to prepare themselves, jargon free key information so it becomes second nature to allow people to easily understand their risk and prepare accordingly. The flood wardens can then use this resource to communicate to the communities.” Limited to 20 participants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTslgfuu3vU
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Yorkshire Flood Warden - Winter Preparedness #1

Thursday 10 November 2022
A session for Yorkshire Flood Wardens in time for winter including an Ask Me Anything Flood Warning Duty Officer panel: Covering: 1) Monitoring and forecasting at the EA 2) Decision making around issuing a Flood Warning 3) The warning process - issuing, monitoring, closing down 4) The relationship between flood warden and Flood Warning Duty Officer in an incident 5) Ask Me Anything Flood Warning Duty Officers. A chance to ask two of our most experienced FWDOs questions around issuing warnings and liaising with flood wardens in an incident Feel free to drop-in or out at any point of the session
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Incident Awareness (CANCELLED)

Thursday 10 November 2022
Hosted by Communities Prepared, Incident Awareness is an introduction to emergency response and offers guidance on building a Community Emergency Volunteer (CEV) group that can respond to a range of emergencies. The session is designed for flood wardens and other community volunteers looking to develop their understanding of the responsibilities and limitations of their role, increase knowledge on a range of emergencies and learn new skills to build the capabilities of their group. Breakout sessions will provide an opportunity to make new connections and explore options for future collaborative working in order to help grow community resilience across the region. Join this session to build your knowledge on a range of key topics, including: • The three Cs (Command, Control and Communications) • Working with emergency responders • Undertaking dynamic risk assessments • Implementing a basic command structure for a volunteer group www.communitiesprepared.org.uk
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Community engagement and collective planning

Thursday 10 November 2022
Hosted by Communities Prepared - This session looks at how you can recruit volunteers and broaden and manage community engagement. We will draw on your knowledge of your community and your area to find the best way to engage volunteers and the wider public, identify spaces people come together and ways people communicate in your area. Talk through how to develop an emergency community map to better plan for engaging people and organisations in your planning. www.communitiesprepared.org.uk
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What does good flood volunteer resilience look like? (CANCELLED)

Wednesday 9 November 2022
**Postponed** Please email Yorkshirefloodresilience@environment-agency.gov.uk to receive information about future plans to host this workshop. This interactive workshop will bring together flood volunteers and relevant organisations to answer this important question. Working together this will be a space to share perspectives about what is already working well to support the resilience of volunteers, and discuss and prioritise what more needs to be done. "The future doesn't have to look the same as the past" - Jacqui Cotton, National Flood Risk Engagement Manager, Environment Agency Facilitated by an external provider, this workshop is open to flood volunteers across England, plus flood risk, incident and third sector partners that work alongside flood volunteers.
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What makes a volunteer group sustainable (CANCELLED)

Tuesday 8 November 2022
Hosted by Communities Prepared this session focuses on the longer-term sustainability of Flood Warden and CEV groups, offering tips and guidance on identifying and securing funding opportunities, insurance, engaging partners and communicating your story. We will also use this opportunity to reflect on what you have learnt that can sustain your group during the ‘prepare’ phase of this event. www.communitiesprepared.org.uk
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Drowned out voices – Young people and flooding

Tuesday 8 November 2022
Have you ever wondered how the young people in your life might be affected by a flood? What life is like for children before, during and after a flood incident? Or, perhaps you have assumed their feelings, worries and reactions would simply mirror the adults around them? This session is a chance for parents, grandparents, carers, school governors & professional partners working with young people to join us on an interactive session to hear Callum's experience, the story of a real flood victim, and think about how we could support, listen to and understand young people and their needs in a flood. https://360lab.hull.ac.uk/project/flood-stories
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Introduction to Community Resilience

Tuesday 8 November 2022
Join Communities Prepared in this introductory session to Community Resilience. For us to have resilience to emergencies we feel it is very important to get to know you and where you live, as well as for you to get to know Communities Prepared as people. In this session we will discuss resilience together and work out how we can be safer and support each other in a changing world. www.communitiesprepared.org.uk
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Bid to boots - an investment journey of a flood scheme

Monday 7 November 2022
Have you ever wondered what the criteria is to secure funding for a flood intervention scheme? What the process is? Or who leads on it? Why can it take so long to see actual results? What are the obstacles that might be encountered along the way? If you have join Jo Arnold, Environment Agency Calderdale Programme & Partnership Manager, in this session covering the investment journey of a scheme from its bid to boots on the ground.
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Natural Flood Management - communities and volunteers

Monday 7 November 2022
This is an interactive panel session aimed at introducing Natural Flood Management and the role of volunteers. Join Dr Debbie Coldwell, Natural Flood Management Officer from the Don Catchment River Trust and Heather Hunt a small woodland owner who, along with Friends of Newfield Spring Wood, has been working with Debbie to "...enhance biodiversity, build resilience to climate stress at the same time as creating opportunities for education, nature connection and well being, particularly for those communities with little access to wild spaces." https://dcrt.org.uk And join Christina Hooley, Coordinator for Treesponsibility, a not-for-profit community group based in the Upper Calder Valley, West Yorkshire. Established in 1998, they campaign and educate on the need for action on climate change. http://www.treesponsibility.com Hear how they make a difference and how you and/or your community might get involved with NFM.
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Road to resilience – adapting to our changing climate

Monday 7 November 2022
This is an interactive workshop with the Environment Agency’s Humber 2100+ team and a representative of the Yorkshire & Humber Climate Commission. Join us to discuss how the changing climate affects us at a local level and what positive actions we can all take to pave the road to resilience.   consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/humber/strategyreview yorksandhumberclimate.org.uk
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Climate Adaptation and the community challenges.

Monday 7 November 2022
Join Dr Jatinder Singh Mehmi, Principal Social Scientist at the Environment Agency and a Yorkshire and Humber Climate Change Commissioner as we take a look at the social, behavioural and environmental challenges our communities face in adapting to climate change and frequent extreme weather events. This session will help you reflect on the people in your community and the considerations we all need to take to adapt and prepare.
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New Warden Induction Training Afternoon

Tuesday 13 September 2022
Induction training for new Volunteer Community Flood Wardens delivered by the Environment Agency. Join via the link below:
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Wardens - Feb 2022 Flood Debrief Drop-in

Tuesday 29 March 2022
Yorkshire Flood Resilience will be holding a debrief session on the Feb 2022 floods across Yorkshire on 29th March between 10:00 - 12:00noon via MS Teams. If you wish to drop in and discuss anything please do join us. This is a drop in session.
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New Warden Induction Training Afternoon

Monday 28 March 2022
Induction training for new Volunteer Community Flood Wardens delivered by the Environment Agency. Join via the link below:
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New Warden Induction Training Morning

Monday 28 March 2022
Induction training for new Volunteer Community Flood Wardens delivered by the Environment Agency. Join via the link below: Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Join with a video conferencing device teams@defra.onpexip.com Video Conference ID: 127 512 352 2 Alternative VTC instructions Or call in (audio only) +44 20 3321 5273,,474949989# United Kingdom, London Phone Conference ID: 474 949 989#
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Property Flood Resilience

Wednesday 20 October 2021
Join this session to build your knowledge and understanding of Property Flood Resilience. Find out what is currently available for protecting properties and what the future might hold. Hear about the work being done to professionalise the industry and protect customers. Take away tips and latest information that you can share with your community
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River Levels Online

Wednesday 13 October 2021
Following on straight after the Journey of a Flood Warning, this webinar aims to build on that by focusing on the complementary EA tool River and Sea Levels Online. We know that for many of you and many of those in communities at flood risk, this website can provide helpful information, but can also raise questions or even occasionally cause concern. This session aims to answer some FAQs about this continually evolving service, share how it differs from what duty officers use in an incident.
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Journey of a Flood Warning

Wednesday 13 October 2021
Have you ever wondered why a Flood Warning is the shape it is? Or gets issued when it does? What’s the EAs responsibility around this service anyway? Or maybe how does other data feed into it and how does your data feed into it? How is it affected by flood intervention schemes and what do all the warnings mean again? These questions will be covered in this session and gives an overview of a flood warning – its beginning to its ultimate end – warning and informing customers at risk of flooding
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Groundwater with EA Groundwater and Contaminated Land Team

Wednesday 6 October 2021
Millions of litres of water underground, feeding our rivers and sometimes springing out of the ground. Misunderstood, often forgotten, groundwater is the invisible bit of the water cycle, contributing to chalk streams, rivers and public water supply. It’s always there and is a vital component of Yorkshire’s water system. If you’ve ever experienced water entering your home from under your house or bursting from a spring in the ground, this is the session to help you understand more.
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Flood Warden Training

Wednesday 2 June 2021
Induction/Refresher Training for EA Flood Wardens
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Yorkshire Flood Warden Induction training

Between Thursday 25 March 2021 and Wednesday 14 April 2021
This virtual training session is a requirement for new Flood Wardens and could be useful to those that need a refresher. It is a condensed version of the sessions ran in September, minus marketing and funding, with a slightly deeper specific focus on the EA in an incident and how we complement the Flood Warden role and vice versa. It will cover: Flood Warnings The role Before, During and After Incidents We have scheduled in 2 hours but it usually doesn’t take this long.