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TeenLife Programme

The TeenLife Programme is a National Autistic Society affiliated course to support young teens aged between 10 and 18 years. Each session looks at aspects of teenage life, and what you can do to help. Session 1: Understanding Autism; the hidden presentation of autism in women and girls; autistic perspectives Session 2: What is self-esteem; communication; spending time with other people Session 3: Stress and anxiety; understanding behaviour Session 4: Understanding the diagnosis; understanding intense interests; managing expectations Session 5: Puberty; independent skills (including keeping safe) Session 6: Education; planning for the future Session 7: Recap This programme is strongly recommended for all family, friends and professionals involved in the teenager's life.
Freemantles School - Secondary Building
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Freemantles Alumni Event

We invite you to join us for the following event: Bowling in Woking on specified date, cost £15 per person. Meet at Woking Bowl 5.45pm for 6.00pm start.
Woking Bowl