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Christ, The Unique Manifestation of God, 13 Feb 25

Thursday 13 February 2025
Led by The Revd Canon Dr Earl Collins. This seminar will consider how the Early Church in its worship and witness understood the coming of Christ as the unique manifestation of God’s mystery. Drawing on biblical and liturgical sources it will look at Christ’s manifestation in the ‘three great wonders’ of Epiphanytide: his revelation to the Magi, baptism in the Jordan, and transformation of water into wine at Cana. The aim will be to sharpen our contemplative focus on Christ as the revealed ‘Image of the invisible God’ (Colossians 1.15). Zoom detail will be confirmed nearer the time. Photo by Greyson Joralemon on Unsplash
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Planning for Retirement Day for clergy and Partners

Wednesday 12 March 2025
Whether you are considering retiring in the coming months or years, this event aims to support you in discerning your way forward.
Vicar’s Hall
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Preaching the Mystery of the Trinity, 10 Apr 25

Thursday 10 April 2025
Led by The Revd Canon Dr Earl Collins. Clergy often approach their Trinity Sunday sermon with some trepidation: how to explain that three supposedly equals one? Yet a biblically based presentation of the Mystery of the Trinity and the Creed – not as a problem but as a mystery revealed to be adored - should proclaim the heart of our faith: God creating, saving, and transforming the world through his Son and Holy Spirit, thus inspiring prayer and worship. We will look at some ways in which the revealed Mystery of the Trinity can be communicated using the resources of Holy Scripture and worship. Zoom detail will be confirmed nearer the event. Photo by By AnonMoos, Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.
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An Introduction to Eco Theology and the Climate Crisis

Thursday 15 May 2025
Led by The Revd Buff Stone, Diocesan Environment Officer, for Chichester Diocese. The Climate and Environmental Crisis is the issue of our age. We start with the foundation training from the national church to enable us to explain the science of what is happening and the theology of why Christians should be part of the solution. As Christians, we offer hope for a world in turmoil. In the afternoon session we take a deeper look at the theology of creation.
Church House,
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Christology of Creation, a deeper look at eco-theology

Thursday 15 May 2025
Led by The Revd Jules Middleton. The afternoon session of 'An Introduction to Eco Theology and the Climate Crisis', we take a deeper look at the theology of creation. The Climate and Environmental Crisis is the issue of our age. As Christians, we offer hope for a world in turmoil. The session will be a 1 hour presentation, with time for group work and discussion.
Church House
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The Church Fathers on Salvation and Deification, 22 May 25

Thursday 22 May 2025
Led by The Revd Canon Dr Earl Collins. Knowledge of the Church Fathers (Syrian, Greek, and Latin) shows that their vision of salvation was much wider than the sometimes narrow understanding that prevailed in western Christianity in later centuries. Drawing on the teaching of specific Fathers this seminar will show that in addition to considering redemption from sin, the patristic vision saw salvation as entailing much more: the glorification of the cosmos through sharing in the divine life revealed in Christ and given to us in the Spirit. Zoom detail will be confirmed nearer the event. Photo source
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St Augustine as the Preeminent Western Theologian, 3 Jul 25

Thursday 3 July 2025
Led by The Revd Canon Dr Earl Collins. Western theology has often been described as a ‘footnote to St. Augustine.’ Building on the foundations of Nicene faith, he was the preeminent Church Father for all later western traditions, Catholic and Protestant. Yet such a towering figure cast a very big shadow. This seminar will look at the highs and lows of Augustine’s influential theology, from the Trinity to predestination. It will aim to show that while Augustine’s reputation is justly deserved, the Church has always received his insights critically. Zoom detail will be confirmed nearer the event.
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Early Christian Witnesses to Contemplative Prayer, 25 Sep 25

Thursday 25 September 2025
Led by The Revd Canon Dr Earl Collins. The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed massively clarified the Church’s understanding of God’s revelation but was also often under attack. Some of its chief defenders were monks, who recognised that its teaching about God has profound implications for a Christian vision of contemplative prayer. We will look at several traditions of monastic prayer (Evagrius, Pseudo-Macarius, and Augustine), to demonstrate how the monks contemplated the mystery of God expressed in the Creed. *Venue may change depending on number of bookings. Photo sourced from
Church House