JAGS Parent Talk: Mira Osinibi
Vaping in Adolescents
Mira Osinibi is a Paediatric Respiratory Clinical Nurse Specialist at King’s College Hospital where she leads on Smoking Cessation.
Through 20 years working in healthcare and with young people, Mira has established a successful cessation service for outpatient and inpatient smokers using motivational interview and carbon monoxide monitoring.
Beyond her NHS work, Mira is passionate to inform parents and young people through her independent speaking programme about the facts and potentially life-changing effects of vape: a product, originally designed to help smoking cessation, which has become highly-addictive and damaging (but little understood) habit for young people.
A finalist for Nursing Times Respiratory Nursing Award 2022 and established conference and school speaker, Mira understands the social and economic factors which influence health choices and outcomes, and delivers this talk on vaping to emphasise the central role which parents will play in influencing their children’s decisions.
The talk will provide up-to-date medical information on:
• Vaping, nicotine and additional vape ingredients
• Physical and psychological changes to adolescent and young adults
• Case study of successful intervention to an addicted teenager
• Advice to parents and schools to ensure joined-up messaging
• Individualised steps for adolescents
This event is delivered via Zoom and attendees will need the provided password to join.
This is to remind participants of a few key housekeeping points about the Zoom Webinar:
• The session will be for the parents of JAGS parents only.
• That in participating, you are aware that the session may be recorded and made available to other parents and teachers in the school community who were unable to attend.
• There may be scope for questions and answers during the event. You will be responsible for managing confidentiality around any questions you bring.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser
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