OMTCCC Autumn Meet 2023
Join us for the 2023 OMT Classic Car Club Autumn Meet on Sunday 10th September. The OMTCCC has been invited to join our friends at the Harrow Car Club at its Car Club Barbeque in Kings Langley from 10:30 to 2:00 pm where "Sausage or a burger in a roll and a beer, with tea, coffee and music all day long" have been promised.We will have lots of opportunity to display our classic cars, and to chat and compare notes about some of the challenges and pleasures of classic cars ownership.
You don't need to own a classic car to come along to the event - you and your guests will be very welcome, but unfortunately this Meet is not open to pets or children.
Tickets and guest tickets at £15 each can only be purchased by Members of the OMTCCC and you will need your membership number - if you are a member find it here:
or join OMTCCC here:
(cut & paste url into your browser)
Callipers Hall Farm
Quickmoor Lane, Kings Langley, Hertfordshire WD4 9AX