The Higgledy Pig
(with The Old School House)
Sons of Town Hall
Introducing the Sons of Town Hall - the international, waterborne duo of George "Ulysses" Brown (UK) and Josiah "Chester" Jones (US). Their performance is a masterclass in songwriting, poetic turns of phrases sung with voices so perfectly matched it is impossible to tell them apart, harmonies so sublime they will seem the work of witchcraft, and intricately finger-picked guitar parts worthy of Apollo himself. But it is the Sons of Town Hall presentation that sets them apart from every other guitar-slinging songwriting team out there.
Tickets £15
The Old School House
Fisherhead, Robin Hood's Bay, YO22 4ST
Please note the nearest parking is between 5 and 10 minutes walk away in Upper Bay. The walk to the venue and back involves a pretty steep hill. Please get in touch for more info.