Worcestershire Families - Hassle Free Mealtimes - ONLINE (CANCELLED)
The online MEALTIMES session - Explore common problems that occur at mealtimes and some of the reasons why they happen.Come join us on our virtual one-off discussion group (Microsoft TEAMS) Hassle Free Mealtimes -aimed at all local Worcestershire families with children aged between 2 and 10 years.
Mealtimes are of one of the common times parents have to deal with difficult behaviour in the home.
This Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) session covers:
- Discuss and explore things that influence children’s mealtime behaviour.
- Setting limits and teaching children good mealtime habits.
- We will look at ways to increase food variety
- Introduce some positive parenting strategies to help manage mealtimes and develop a personal plan for mealtimes.
You can join the group from a mobile, tablet or PC- simple joining instructions will be sent out upon booking and a reminder via email, closer to the event.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser