U8th National Portrait Gallery Tour with Hattie (SOLD OUT)
The National Portrait Gallery was founded in 1856 to collect and display "The Most Eminent Persons in British History" and includes British notables from Anne Boleyn to David Beckham. The British tradition of portraiture is well served with examples by Hans Holbein, Van Dyck, Reynolds, Gainsborough, Singer Sargent and Freud whilst some of the most loved paintings are by less well known artists such as Branwell Bronte's portrait of his sisters and Cassandra Austen's delicate drawing of her sister Anne. The gallery has recently undergone a three year refurbishment, re-opening June 2023 with Tracey Emin's grand bronze entrance doors. For anyone interested in British History, the NPG provides a wonderful visual experience of British history and contemporary figures.The tour will be led by Hattie Bennett, a London based Art Historian and lecturer. With a BA in Art History and an MA in 18th century Decorative Arts, Hattie has worked as a curator and for the London Art Trade.
The National Portrait Gallery
St. Martin's Pl, , Ross Place - new entrance by the shop, London, WC2H 0HE