Spotlight Chamber Concerts Winter 2023

This winter Spotlight Chamber Concerts returns to the ‘beautifully restored church of St John’s Waterloo’ (Observer). Five world-class concerts offer an intense, immersive experience of live music, with dramatic lighting centred only on the performers, and the audience in the dark and in the round.Full programme information available at
All concerts begin at 18:30
3 November 2023: Benjamin Grosvenor & Hyeyoon Park in Vaughan Williams, Takemitsu and Grieg
11 November 2023: Steven Osborne in Schubert
19 November 2023: Maxwell Quartet & Anthony Friend in Brahms and Scottish folk music
26 November 2023: Emmanuel Despax in Chopin and Bach-Busoni
10 December 2023: Solem Quartet in Beethoven and Edmund Finnis
Wine partner: wine for this series will be provided by Provisions, an importer with two shops on Holloway Rd and Hackney Rd. Ticket holders will be offered access to exclusive discounts at Provisions’ online shop.
St John's Waterloo
London, SE1 8TY