Why the World is Wonky

Why does your queue go slowest? Why do buses go round in threes? Why when you drop a piece of toast, does it always land butter-side down?The most important law in science is Murphy’s Law:
Richard Robinson, author of best selling books Why The Toast Always Lands Butter-side Down and its junior edition, Why The World Is Wonky, leads you through the weirdnesses of life, showing that sometimes the actual world is weirder that we can imagine. But sometimes the weirdness is down to us: the short cuts and assumptions we make create an illusion of reality that doesn’t quite work. Scientists call them 'cognitive biases'.
This is an interactive show for everyone, young and old – we’re all victims. You will find out about yourself, have fun, and learn some interesting tricks to help you cope.
…and you’ll learn why the toast lands butter-side down, ALWAYS.
10.30am and 12.30pm.
Tickets: £5 per child (adults and extra under 7s come free)
44th Brighton Scout Hut (by the Co-op)
21 Old London Road, Patcham, Brighton, BN1 8XR