Wokingham Lions Swimathon 2024 (SOLD OUT)
The Wokingham Lions Swimathon is an event for all ages and swimming abilities in which teams of up to 8 persons can swim in relay and raise money for their favourite cause.The Swimathon is designed to be a fun event - it’s not a race. You’ll be swimming with family, friends or colleagues while raising money for good causes. What’s not to like!
Note that the date has now been changed to 7th September 2024.
Saturday 7 September 2024 (UTC+01)Location
Wokingham Leisure Centre @ Carnival Hub
Wellington Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 2AF
Want to use JustGiving to raise funds for your choice of Charity? Follow this link and search for the event 'Wokingham Lions Swimathon 2024'
What is a Swimathon?
The Wokingham Swimathon is a community event which allows teams of swimmers to raise funds for their nominated organisation or charity and having fun at the same time.
Participation in the event is very simple. All you have to do is recruit a team of up to 8 swimmers, all abilities included. This could include family, friends, colleagues or willing volunteers who will swim in relay for 50 minutes. The aim is to collect as much sponsorship money as possible and donate it to your chosen good cause.
Wokingham Lions Club organise the whole event, all you have to do is enter a team, get sponsorship and swim!
Who is Welcome?
Everyone from the age of 8 to 108 is welcome, and all swimming abilities. However, a Parental/Guardian consent form must be completed for all Junior swimmers aged sixteen or under on day of the Swimathon.
Who do you swim with?
Swim with your charity, school, family, company, club or as individuals. Create inter-team challenges or just swim because you feel like it!
Teams swim for 50 minutes in a relay format, adults swim a Lap (up to end and back to start). Young children can swim 1 length (25 Metres), with another child swimming the return length.
How do you raise money?
All you need to do is obtain sponsorship from family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, whoever. The more sponsorship the better!
How much does it cost?
There is a Registration Fee of £25 per team to enter - thats only £3.12 each for a team of 8!
Social Media
Link to the Facebook event here: https://fb.me/e/vnYypthUX
Don’t forget to use the hashtag #wokinghamlionsswimathon – you can download additional graphics and a sample poster for editing from here.
More FAQs
Further questions and answers? Contact us here: