Come and Sing Stanford Evensong

St Oswald's Church Ashbourne invites you to join in a special evensong, celebrating Music Sunday. This annual day is marked by the RSCM (Royal School of Church Music). RSCM's national Director, Hugh Morris, will be conducting the afternoon rehearsal and service.Music will be provided on the day, and is based around the Music of CV Stanford, whose 100th anniversary is marked this year. Free, with invited donations.
Stanford responses (newly created by Prof Jeremy Dibble)
O, for a closer walk with God
Stanford in C
Jubilate in Bb
3.30 Arrivals and registration/seating
4.00 Rehearsal
5.30 Tea break (with cake)
6.30 Evensong Service
7.30 (approx) ends
You can register for yourself, or for a group of singers. Please make sure you tell us which voice part each singer sings.
U18s can attend but must be accompanied by an adult, who will be responsible for their safe supervision.
St Oswald's Church, Ashbourne
School Lane, Ashbourne, DE6 1AN