Summer Concert: Zelenka's MISSA VOTIVA

Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679 – 1745) was born in Central Bohemia, now part of the Czech Republic, and spent most of his professional life as a court musician in Dresden.His music combines a highly effective use of counterpoint – hence his nickname, the “Bohemian Bach” – with intense rhythmic energy. He was a prolific composer, especially of church music, and was much admired by his contemporaries, including J.S. Bach. However, after his death the court kept the manuscripts of his compositions under lock and key, which partly explains why they have been neglected until relatively recently.
Towards the end of his life Zelenka embarked on – but never completed – a cycle of twelve Mass settings, his Misse Ultimae. The Missa Votiva is the third of these.
St Martin's Church
132-4, Mortimer Road, London, NW10 5SN