AI Evening with Dan Fitzpatrick: The AI Educator

Developments in AI over the last 18 months have been breathtaking. The impact of Al on education and employment will be profound. It is clear that Al is going to play a major role in reshaping the skills our workforce will require as well as the roles and careers which are available in the future.On Tuesday 8 October, we are pleased to be joined by our special guest and inspirational keynote speaker Dan Fitzpatrick: The Al Educator*. Dan is a bestselling author, a global speaker and writer for Forbes magazine. Dan will deliver sessions exploring the present and future impact of Artificial Intelligence on education with a particular focus on navigating the current opportunities and challenges. Dan will deliver sessions exploring the present and future impact of Artificial Intelligence on education with a particular focus on navigating the current opportunities and challenges.
Bushell Hall
Solihull School, 793 Warwick Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 3DJ