Making the case for languages from Primary (SOLD OUT)

Join us for an insightful day dedicated to language learning in primary education for all settings.As a leader in immersive language teaching, Europa School UK is reaching out to other schools and educators eager to increase and promote language learning. We will model elements that enhance language learning from reception onwards (including showcasing our successful CLIL approach).
- Listen to Expert Speakers including special guest Michael Rosen and expert speakers from the fields of research, global language networks:
Gain valuable insights from their knowledge of children learning languages.
- Experience Europa in Action: See immersive and inclusive teaching methods firsthand.
- Explore Resources: Connect with global language networks and gather materials in our Resources Fair
- Network: Engage and share ideas with fellow educators over lunch.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Europa School UK
Thame Lane, Culham, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX143DZ