The Harmony Festival - Organ - Matt Walters

In 2024, Matt - Reductio embarked on an extensive tour across England, performing at numerous venues and cathedrals, and he's set to expand his reach internationally in 2025.This concert promises a captivating blend of classical and contemporary music. Matt's musical journey began at Downside School, and he later earned an organ scholarship at Homerton College, Cambridge, while studying classics.
He recently performed a concert of organ music at Wells Cathedral in aid of the restoration of the organ. However, all is not quite as it seems as Matt, has been shaking up the world of classical organ music with his classical-dance music re-mixes and has become a bit of Tik-Tok sensation.
Saturday 14 June 2025 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (UTC+00)Location
St Mary's Church
Edward Road, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 2HJ