1st4Sport Level 3 Award in Delivering Learning
This qualification is designed to provide learners with an introduction to teaching/training in the further education and skills sector. It has been developed as an introduction to teaching qualification for learners who do not require the larger industry standard introduction to teaching qualification, the 1st4sport Level 3 Award in Education and Training. The qualification is recognised by UK Coaching for tutors delivering sports coach education.
As the qualification provides an introduction to teaching it can meet the needs of a range of trainee teachers, such as individuals:
•who are not required by their employer to achieve the Level 3 Award in Education and Training, as they are not delivering to learners on government funded programmes/qualifications
•not currently teaching or training – achievement of the qualification does not require practice other than micro-teaching;
•currently teaching and training, including those who have just begun teaching and training – although the qualification does not require practice other than the microteaching, opportunities may be made available to observe and provide feedback on a trainee’s practice;
•currently working as assessors who wish to achieve a qualification that provides and introduction to teaching
This qualification is popular with aspiring coach educators who deliver vocational coaching courses. Learners are also likely to be seeking opportunities in the further education and skills sector. Learners may also be from outside of the sport sector as the content is transferable.
This qualification provides an introduction to teaching/tutoring and enables learners to tutor sports coach education, where applicable. This could lead to paid or voluntary opportunities.
Learners must:
Be at least 18 years of age
Be appropriately identified
Be able to communicate effectively in English (this includes listening, speaking, reading and writing
Learners must:
-complete a 30-minute (minimum) teaching/ microteaching session that is observed and assessed by an appropriately qualified assessor.
-observe and review a 30 minute micro-teaching/ teaching session of another trainee tutor or experienced tutor/ teacher
Payment plans
Payment plans are available for this course. Please contact education@sportstructures.com for further information.
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