VRI Adult Class - Per Session

If you are unable to commit to a full term, we have now made it possible to purchase a weekly entry to the Adult Épée Squad.
Our Adult Épée Squad builds core strength and fitness for fencing, develops technical skills, and applies tactics and strategy through a range of structured exercises and drills.
This weekly squad is for graduates of Adult Beginners and adults who have previously fenced épée who want to take their fencing to the next level.
Thursdays from 7.00pm to 8.00pm.
These sessions continue to run through the school holidays and paying by term reduces the cost per session.
Note: You must book through this page, or make a discounted booking per term, to attend the Adult Épée Squad.
To attend the Adult Épée Squad, you must have already purchased a VRI membership and paid your Fencing Victoria affiliation fee
Thursday 30 January 2025 - Thursday 18 December 2025 (UTC+11)Location
VRI Fencing
141 Burnley St, Richmond VIC 3121
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