
CAHS Research Education Program

The Research Education Program (REP) is an open access resource provided by the Child and Adolescent Health Service, Department of Research, and is generously supported by the PCH Foundation. https://www.cahs.health.wa.gov.au/Research/For-researchers/Research-Education-Program

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Sample Size Calculations

Friday 2 August 2024
This seminar provides an overview of how to perform sample size calculations for different research study designs and demonstrates how to use free "PS" software. It also covers issues specific to clinical trials and assists researchers to identify situations where the best course of action is to consult a statistician. Presented by: Michael Dymock, Telethon Kids Institute Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Rapid Critical Appraisal of Scientific Literature

Friday 9 August 2024
Given the sheer volume and variable quality of published papers even in high impact journals, it is essential to have skills to target and rapidly appraise relevant literature to answer current clinical questions. This seminar provides simple strategies to help focus your reading, examine validity of results, and decide whether to accept and apply them in your setting. Presented by: Dr Natalie Strobel, Edith Cowan University Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Conducting Systematic Reviews

Friday 16 August 2024
Systematic reviews play an important role in health research. They provide a high level summary of studies and can inform policy and practice relevant to a particular area of inquiry. Understanding review methodologies is useful for those who wish to undertake a systematic review, or just read one. This seminar provides an overview of several types of reviews, along with simple strategies to focus a review and support review methodology. Presented by: Professor Sonya Girdler, Curtin University / Centre of Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Karolinska Institutet (KIND) Sweden Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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REDCap Workshop 6: Intermediate Walkthrough

Tuesday 20 August 2024
Beyond the basics • This level offers a more comprehensive look at creating a database and using surveys, and builds upon the topics in the REDCap Basics Workshop. • Those who attend this workshop should be familiar with navigating and using REDCap for project set-up and it will be most beneficial to those who have identified an upcoming need for the advanced functionality covered in this workshop. • Do you already know how to create a project from scratch and use branching logic? If no, please register for a Basics Workshop. This workshop is for users who are already familiar with the REDCap interface. Registrations are open to all WA Health and TKI staff. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS REP Research Fellow Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 TKI Seminar Room
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Knowledge Translation

Friday 23 August 2024
Ensuring that research findings are translated into practice involves a systematic approach from the beginning when you are designing your research. Implementation science bridges the gap between developing and evaluating effective interventions and implementation and de-implementation in routine practice. This seminar covers key elements of implementation research; theoretical approaches, research designs, involvement of stakeholders, behaviour change interventions. Presented by: Professor Fenella Gill, Curtin University / CAHS Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Media and Communications in Research

Friday 30 August 2024
Understanding how to work with the media is essential and a critical responsibility for all researchers, whether it’s the newspaper, TV, radio, or social media. This seminar will provide practical techniques on working with the media and ensuring your bottom line is delivered in an engaging, accurate, and responsible way. Presented by: Peta O'Sullivan, Communications Coordinator, CAHS Research Department Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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REDCap Workshop 7: Advanced REDCap and Creating Surveys

Tuesday 10 September 2024
• This workshop explores a more in-depth look at advanced features in REDCap and how to design and distribute a survey through REDCap. • Enrolment in this workshop requires previous attendance at one of our preliminary sessions (Basic OR Intermediate) or be able to demonstrate that you are already administering projects within REDCap. Registrations are open to all WA Health and TKI staff. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS REP Research Fellow Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 TKI Seminar Room
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Oral Presentation of Research Results

Friday 18 October 2024
Effective presentation of research results is a key component of research translation, a moral responsibility to undertake for your research participants, funders and institution, and an opportunity to get important feedback. This seminar includes a range of tips on choosing and organising materials, delivery styles and techniques, preparing for questions, gaining confidence, and how to run a session effectively. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Oral Presentation of Research Results Workshop

Tuesday 22 October 2024
Dissemination of research findings is integral in knowledge translation and clinical practice change. Oral presentations provide rapid dissemination ofresearch findings to a target audience. We invite you to a practical session that will provide useful tips, practice sessions and personalised feedback to help deliver an adequate depth of your research findings to various research stakeholders. In the lead up to the CAHS 2024 Child Health Research Symposium, this session will be most beneficial for those who are hoping to secure a Lightninig Talk presentation invitation. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS REP Research Fellow 2024 Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 (west) TKI Seminar room. Available only to WA Health and Telethon Kids Institute staff (and students).
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Enrolling incapacitated patients into medical research in WA

Friday 26 July 2024
A GAA Part 9E Toolkit Effective consent and recruitment strategies are vital for upholding ethical principles of beneficence and justice. This seminar covers important updates to the Guardianship and Administration Act which impact the recruitment of incapacitated adult patients into research. Co-presented by: Prof Daniel Fatovich, Emergency Physician and Director of Research, EMHS and Mark Woodman, Manager Research Department, EMHS Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Getting the Most out of Research Supervision

Friday 19 July 2024
This seminar covers the importance of understanding the rights and responsibilities of both supervisors and supervisees doing research, whether for a formal degree or a small project, and how to get the best out of both roles. It also provides practical tips related to the selection of suitable research projects, supervision frequency and time allocation, different supervision styles, remote supervision and working with multiple supervisors. Presented by: Dr Timothy Barnett, Telethon Kids Institute/University of Western Australia Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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REDCap Basic Walkthrough

Tuesday 16 July 2024
This workshop is most useful to anyone building a new project in REDCap and those who have been tasked with managing an existing database. An introduction to project set-up • This workshop offers an introduction to building databases in REDCap and covers basic concepts and best practices to equip researchers in building a database for their research project. • This workshop is most useful to anyone with little or no previous knowledge of the REDCap platform who would like to build a new project in REDCap or for those who have been tasked with managing an existing database. • Do you already know how to create a project from scratch? If yes, please register for an Intermediate Workshop. This workshop is for absolute beginners. Registrations are open to all WA Health and TKI staff. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS REP Research Fellow Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 TKI Seminar Room. Please note: you will need to bring a laptop with you.
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Consumer and Community Involvement in Research

Friday 21 June 2024
Every researcher should be actively involving consumer or community members to improve quality and increase impact of their research. Community involvement is increasingly a requirement for funding agencies. This seminar provides a practical introduction and will cover basic principles of consumer and community involvement, the benefits and barriers, and what to put in place to get started. Presented by: Belinda Frank, Senior Community Engagement Manager, Telethon Kids Institute Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Consent and Participant Recruitment (CANCELLED)

Friday 14 June 2024
Effective consent and recruitment strategies are vital for upholding ethical principles of beneficence and justice. This seminar covers important updates to the Guardianship and Administration Act which impact the recruitment of incapacitated adult patients into research. Co-presented by: Prof Daniel Fatovich, Emergency Physician and Director of Research, EMHS and Mark Woodman, Manager Research Department, EMHS Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Manuscript Writing Workshop

Tuesday 11 June 2024
Journal publications are an integral part of dissemination of research findings. However, it can be overwhelming to convert several months of research into a succinct manuscript that will be loved by peer-reviewers and attract readers. This workshop is designed to give those who have completed their research projects, practical skills to transform their research data into publishable peer-reviewed literature. Presented by: Dr Kenneth Lee, Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy Practice, University of Western Australia Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 (west) TKI Seminar room.
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Research Impact

Friday 7 June 2024
There is an increasing requirement for researchers to demonstrate the impacts of their research to funders, stakeholders and to the community. This seminar will provide insights into the requirements of an impact statement required for an NHMRC Investigator or Synergy grant. You will learn the tools and techniques to develop and write NHMRC impact statements. Presented by: Dr Tamika Heiden, Founder and Principal, The Research Impact Academy, Vic. Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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REDCap Workshop 4: Troubleshooting REDCap

Tuesday 28 May 2024
• This workshop allows participants to bring their specific REDCap project questions to our REP Research Fellow and her team of volunteer assistants Registrations are open to all WA Health and TKI staff. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS REP Research Fellow Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 TKI Seminar Room
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Using REDCap for Data Capture and Management (CANCELLED)

Friday 24 May 2024
The Department of Health WA now preferentially supports REDCap use and many health service providers are switching to REDCap as the database of choice for safely entering, storing and reporting on data. This presentation covers how to access REDCap, basic REDCap functionality, and where to go for further assistance and resources and is presented by staff from The Telethon Kids Institute Biometrics team, which provides access to REDCap for all Telethon Kids, Child and Adolescent Health Services (CAHS), and Perth Children’s Hospital based researchers. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS Research Fellow Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Setting Up Clinical Trials Workshop

Monday 20 May 2024
Clinical trials are the benchmark for testing interventions in healthcare. This workshop aims to provide practical advice to clinical researchers who want to gain insight on how to develop and complete their clinical trial on time and within budget. Come learn practical aspects of the steps involved in developing a clinical trial from the research idea to protocol development. If you have specific questions that you would like to make sure are covered during the workshop, please send them through to: researcheducationprogram@health.wa.gov.au Presented by: Dr Charlie McLeod - Research Fellow, Raine Fellow, Deputy Director of the Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, level 6 Telethon Kids Institute 'Manda'
Perth Children's Hospital, level 6 Telethon Kids Institute 'Manda'
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Project Management

Friday 17 May 2024
Efficient and effective project management techniques are essential to move your research project from initiation to execution, through to success. This seminar provides insights to improve internal communications, foster team alignment, facilitate risk management and improve workflows for smooth processes and engaged stakeholders. Presented by: Melanie Wright, Director of Research, South Metropolitan Health Service Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Scientific Writing

Friday 3 May 2024
Writing is the most used channel for communication of ideas, research, and findings. Being able to have quality and effective scientific writing is a fundamental part of successful research translation. This seminar provides a practical overview of scientific writing; including principles of good writing, how to get started, article structure and organisation, how to negotiate authorship, and the publication process. Presented by: A/Prof Tony Kemp, School of Earth Sciences, UWA Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Navigating Research Ethics and Governance in WA Workshop

Wednesday 1 May 2024
If you are undertaking a research project or are thinking about becoming involved in research, understanding the review and approval requirements for your research project may appear intimidating. This workshop is to help you understand the process of ethical and governance review for research approvals at WA Health sites. The Ethics and Governance team will provide an overview of the review processes in WA Health and explain the most common issues that cause delays or queries in relation to research submissions. If you have specific questions that you would like to make sure are covered during the workshop, please send them through to: CAHS.ethics@health.wa.gov.au or CAHS.RGO@health.wa.gov.au Co-presented by our CAHS Research Governance Coordinators: Medya Ahmadian and Samantha Crawford Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 (west) TKI Seminar room.
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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REDCap Workshop 3: Advanced REDCap and Creating Surveys

Tuesday 30 April 2024
• This workshop explores a more in-depth look at advanced features in REDCap and how to design and distribute a survey through REDCap. • Enrolment in this workshop requires previous attendance at one of our preliminary sessions (Basic OR Intermediate) or be able to demonstrate that you are already administering projects within REDCap. Registrations are open to all WA Health and TKI staff. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS REP Research Fellow Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 TKI Seminar Room
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Research Governance

Friday 19 April 2024
All new research project applications must cover requirements for both ethics and governance. This seminar focuses on the general principles and responsibilities related to research governance, and provide practical tips for preparation of governance applications. Presented by: Dr Natalie Giles - Manager Ethics and Compliance, CAHS Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Introduction to Good Clinical Practice

Friday 22 March 2024
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) provides the ethical and scientific standards and guidelines by which all research is conducted, and is a requirement for all researchers to know and apply. This seminar covers key components of GCP including responsibilities, approvals, informed consent, document and data management, and reporting of adverse effects. Presented by: Alexandra Robertson Director Research Operations, CAHS Research Department Ali has joined CAHS from The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH), Melbourne where she was the Director of Research Operations. She has a wealth of experience in health service management, research governance and operations at tertiary academic hospitals, both paediatric and adult. Her primary focus is to support clinicians of all disciplines to conduct research by breaking down barriers and developing enablers. Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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REDCap Workshop 2: Intermediate Walkthrough

Tuesday 12 March 2024
Beyond the basics • This level offers a more comprehensive look at creating a database and using surveys, and builds upon the topics in the REDCap Basics Workshop. • Those who attend this workshop should be familiar with navigating and using REDCap for project set-up and it will be most beneficial to those who have identified an upcoming need for the advanced functionality covered in this workshop. • Do you already know how to create a project from scratch and use branching logic? If no, please register for a Basics Workshop. This workshop is for users who are already familiar with the REDCap interface. Registrations are open to all WA Health and TKI staff. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS REP Research Fellow Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 TKI Seminar Room
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Using Social Media in Research

Friday 8 March 2024
As a researcher, it is difficult to reach the public and broadcast your work. Building and maintaining your “brand” will help set you apart. This seminar provides the tools to connect with other researchers, build your network, and in the long run, effectively translate your research to a wider audience. Presented by: Dr Amy Page Senior Lecturer - School of Allied Health, UWA Dr Amy Page is a registered consultant pharmacist and qualified biostatistician. Her vision is to reduce medicines-related harm while balancing symptom control to align with individualised treatment goals for older people to improve well-being. She undertakes knowledge creation and translation through implementation, practitioner development, communication and media, engagement with professional bodies and policy for sustained impact on pharmacy practice. Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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REDCap Basic Walkthrough

Tuesday 27 February 2024
Workshop 1 is most useful to anyone building a new project in REDCap and those who have been tasked with managing an existing database. An introduction to project set-up • This workshop offers an introduction to building databases in REDCap and covers basic concepts and best practices to equip researchers in building a database for their research project. • This workshop is most useful to anyone with little or no previous knowledge of the REDCap platform who would like to build a new project in REDCap or for those who have been tasked with managing an existing database. • Do you already know how to create a project from scratch? If yes, please register for an Intermediate Workshop. This workshop is for absolute beginners. Registrations are open to all WA Health and TKI staff. Presented by: Dr Giulia Peacock, CAHS REP Research Fellow Join in-person only at the Perth Children's Hospital, Level 5 TKI Seminar Room
Perth Children's Hospital, TKI Seminar Room level 5 (west)
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Introductory Biostatistics

Friday 16 February 2024
This seminar covers fundamental statistical concepts for clinical researchers, including why we use significance testing, how to interpret confidence intervals and p-values, how sample size and variability affect results, why bias and confounding factors are important considerations in designing studies, and when to seek statistical support. Presented by: Michael Dymock Biostatistician – Telethon Kids Institute Michael is a biostatistician and PhD candidate based at the Telethon Kids Institute. His research interests involve the use of Bayesian methods in adaptive clinical trials, computational statistics, and novel methods for vaccine safety surveillance. He aims to bridge the gap between clinical research design and decision-making by enhancing research methodology and encouraging statistical literacy and communication. Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online
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Research Fundamentals

Friday 9 February 2024
Research Fundamentals provides a practical introduction to research and examines why we do research, and the steps in the research process. This seminar includes how to decide whether an idea is worth pursuing, through to putting together a quality protocol, and also covers your responsibilities as a researcher. Presented by: Dr Kenneth Lee Senior Lecturer – Pharmacy Practice, The University of Western Australia Dr Kenneth Lee is a Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice and a clinician. As a clinician, Dr Lee works in a large medical centre as the in-house pharmacist, as well as in private consultancy, where he primarily delivers comprehensive medication management review services to domiciliary patients. Dr Lee is passionate about integrating practice, research, and teaching. Watch in-person at the Perth Children's Hospital auditorium (preferred) or join us on Teams (the link will be emailed to you the day before the event).
Perth Children's Hospital and online