HNSA Melbourne Chapter

The Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA) promotes the writing, reading and publication of historical fiction, especially in Australia and New Zealand. The HNSA was formally established in 2014. The Melbourne Chapter exists to provide networking and community amongst historical fiction writers from all backgrounds and career stages.

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Sleuthing Historical Crime

Sunday 16 June 2019
Robert Gott, Sulari Gentill and Nilima Rao in conversation with Angela Savage will discuss researching, plotting, and writing historical crime and mystery fiction. See Facebook event page for more information:
Mail Exchange Hotel
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Triumphs and Pitfalls of the Self-Publishing Game

Sunday 14 April 2019
To publish or to self-publish, that is the question... that many authors ask themselves. Please join our three panellists Greg Johnston, Kathryn Gauci and Michelle Lovi in conversation with Elizabeth Jane Corbett as they share their experiences with self-publishing. 2.15pm for a 2.30pm start. Event runs 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Afternoon tea will be served following the event. See the Facebook event for more details:
Mail Exchange Hotel