
Verve OT

Navigating the NDIS, particularly within a therapy setting, can be both rewarding and challenging for many occupational therapists.
The availability of affordable professional clinical training and supervision has been limited to date. However, with the increasing demand for services, the need for quality and expert occupational therapy training has never been more necessary.

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Lack of insight and unrealistic goals (CANCELLED)

Wednesday 31 July 2024
Exploring a participant’s meaningful goals is the most important task required from occupational therapists working in a capacity building role. Without meaningful goals, it is likely our interventions will fail as the participant may become unmotivated. But what do we do when the participant’s goals are ‘unrealistic’? Can we support a person to develop insight into what is reasonable and achievable? Or should we support their ‘unrealistic goals’? Learning Objectives • To explore the importance of setting participant-driven meaningful outcomes for therapy. • To understand what may cause reduced insight. • To learn about how to explore the participant’s level of insight into their capabilities. • To reflect on our own barriers to supporting aspirational goal achievement • To learn positive strategies and tips on providing capacity building supports to people with limited insight.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's (CANCELLED)

Friday 16 August 2024
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Working Effectively with People with Behaviours of Concern

Wednesday 21 August 2024
Behaviours of concern can significantly disrupt a person’s ability to engage in therapy, participate or develop independence in meaningful activities and life roles, and form and maintain social relationships. This workshop aims to increase your knowledge and confidence in identifying the factors contributing to and maintaining behaviours of concern, as well as developing and implementing both preventative strategies and response strategies.
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Executive Functioning assessment and intervention for Adults

Wednesday 9 October 2024
Executive functions are commonly affected in people with a range of disabilities including acquired brain injury, autism spectrum disorder and psychosocial disabilities. Despite this, the term executive function, and the functional implications of executive dysfunction of often poorly understood.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 25 October 2024
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) (CANCELLED)

Wednesday 13 November 2024
As Occupational Therapists, working with people following an acquired brain injury can be extremely rewarding and complex. Every person with brain injury is unique, and require an individualised approach to rehabilitation. Occupational therapists have a unique role in supporting people to develop their functional skills and participate in meaningful activities at home and in the community. Learning Objectives - Define Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and understand the various types of ABI you may see within the NDIS. - Explain the functional implications of ABI on a patient’s physical, cognitive, behavioural and communication skills. - Understand the common comorbidities associated with ABI - Recognise the impact on families and close others - Appreciate the unique role of Occupational Therapists in assessment, goal setting and intervention - Understand the important of taking a client-directed, individualised approach with interdisciplinary collaboration.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's (CANCELLED)

Friday 6 December 2024
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Moving, Handling Training & Safe Work Procedures in the NDIS

Thursday 25 July 2024
The goal of a moving and handling intervention is to ensure the client and worker are safe, the routine is as efficient as it can be and it delivers a quality care routine for the client. Whilst this can involve recommendations of equipment, changes to the environment & changes the task, the last stage is to provide guidance to clients & their carers, on how the routine should take place after our intervention is finished. This can involve training and development of safe work procedures.
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Navigating Manual Handling with Confidence

Tuesday 23 July 2024
BRISBANE we are Coming! Since the introduction of the NDIS, there has been an increased demand on therapists to provide guidance around safe manual handling techniques for those who require hands on support to participate in daily activities. Whether Occupational Therapists are working directly with a client to enable their ongoing participation, or working with carers who provide support to clients that require assistance to complete daily occupations, ensuring anyone involved in the task being completed is safe forms an essential part of our role. This 2 day, highly interactive and hands on workshop aims to provide foundational knowledge around manual handling approaches and provide the opportunity for therapists to improve their confidence in working with people who require hands on assistance. 23 July 20248:30am - 16:30pm AND 24 July 2024 8:30am - 16:30pm AEST - Queensland Time
Active Mobility Systems
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SDA- Essential knowledge & report writing for OT's

Thursday 27 June 2024
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 27 June and 4July 2024 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST). SYDNEY TIME
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 21 June 2024
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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The OT role in NDIS Capacity Building

Wednesday 5 June 2024
The workshops could cover an overview of NDIS capacity building, the foundations e.g. positive time use, routines, functional skill development, participation in meaningful activities and life roles , Goal setting in capacity building interventions and working with families and support workers to achieve goals.
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OT Functional Capacity Assessments for Paediatrics

Monday 27 May 2024
OT functional assessments within the paediatric space are just as sought after for every other age group. But what makes them different from every other age group? This session will explore all aspects of the delivery of an OT functional assessment within the paediatric population. It will include assessment approach, common standardised assessment tools and preparation of reporting. As the treating therapist, the OT is in the best possible position to prepare a functional assessment for their paediatric client in a timely and cost effective manner. This webinar will ensure that OT's feel confident and competent in providing the best service delivery outcome.
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NDIS Reviews, the AAT and The OT role -15 & 22 May2024

Wednesday 15 May 2024
These workshops provides information regarding the process by which participants can challenge NDIS decisions, including via the AAT. It will detail the OT role in supporting participants through internal reviews and then applying to the AAT, including understanding documentation requirements and providing evidence at a hearing. Case studies will be presented and discussed, allowing participants to gain understanding of "what happens in practice" along the often long road to the AAT. Two Part Series - 15 May February 2024 and 222 May 2024 from 11:00am to 12:30 (AEDS) - (Sydney Time)
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Introduction to bidet prescription

Friday 10 May 2024
Use of the toilet is a critical skill for independent living. The process of toileting is complex, consisting of mobilising to a toilet, undressing, positioning on the toilet, voiding bladder or bowels, cleansing the perineum area, applying / removing sanitary or incontinence products (if applicable), transferring off the toilet, redressing, flushing the toilet and washing hands. Toileting is usually mastered in early childhood and control over this private activity remains integral to a
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Wednesday 1 May 2024
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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Elevate & Lead: Mastering Supervision and Leadership Skills

Wednesday 1 May 2024
Ready to Take Your Career to New Heights? Calling all allied health professionals eager to step into leadership roles and make a lasting impact! Dive into an immersive training experience designed exclusively for you. Here's What Awaits You: Elevate Your Career Trajectory: Discover the keys to unlocking your leadership potential and guiding your fellow therapists toward excellence. Lead with Confidence: Equip yourself with practical skills and strategies to effectively mentor and inspire your team, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. Transform Healthcare Delivery: Harness evidence-based leadership principles tailored to the dynamic challenges of the allied health landscape, propelling your organization toward unparalleled success. Comprehensive 3-Part Series: Embark on a transformative journey across three dynamic sessions, each packed with actionable insights and real-world applications.
Online Webinar
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Prescribing Pressure Cushions 101

Tuesday 30 April 2024
Are you new to prescribing pressure cushions? Are you unsure how to assess to identify the most appropriate solution for your client? Step into the world of precision and comfort with our comprehensive training workshop tailored just for you!
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Vehicle mods 101 for non-driver trained OTs

Thursday 18 April 2024
Community mobility and accessing a vehicle can be challenging for people with physical disabilities. This webinar will assist non-driver trained OTs to understand vehicle modifications options to assist with accessing vehicles, provide a general overview of the process of vehicle modifications for drivers, and understand the NDIS vehicle modification operational guidelines. NB: This webinar will provide high level information and examples – it is not in-depth training to be able to prescribe wheelchair accessible vehicles (a full one day workshop with OT Driver Education is recommended to be competent with this). NB: if the client is a driver and wishing to apply for wheelchair stowage, it is likely that an OT driving assessment is required to demonstrate safe driving performance. Outcomes: - Understand vehicle modifications options - Understand the requirements of trialling and prescribing basic passenger and wheelchair stowage options - NDIS process and addressing the R&N
Online Webinar
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Cognition and Psychosocial Disability

Monday 15 April 2024
Cognition and psychosocial disability- assessment and strategies to optimise functional capacity in daily life The webinar will: 1. Build understanding of the cognitive impacts of psychosocial disability, often an under-recognised factor in daily functioning that has significant implications for support needs. 2. Describes assessment tools and processes, and translate results to meaningful capacity building programs. 3. Review therapeutic strategies to support cognitive functioning, and underpinning evidence for these.
Online Webinar
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability in Adults (CANCELLED)

Monday 15 April 2024
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability 2. An overview of outcomes measurement tools and processes, and how to implement these in practice 3. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment scores and outcome measurement into your NDIS reports and recommendations, in tune with NDIS legislation, concepts, and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Monday 15 April 2024
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of psychosocial disability and the NDIS 2. Share the essential components of occupational therapy practice, with NDIS people who live with psychosocial disability
Online Webinar
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Motivational Strategies in OT psychosocial disability

Monday 15 April 2024
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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OT Practice in Building Better Routines

Monday 15 April 2024
This webinar will: 1. Explore the meaning of routine and factors contributing to challenges in daily routine 2. Examine the role of OT in enabling participants to build better routines 3. Describe approaches and strategies applicable to routine development and maintenance.
Online Webinar
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OT Practice with people who live with Hoarding Difficulties (CANCELLED)

Monday 15 April 2024
The webinar will: 1. Explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of hoarding and acquiring behaviour broadly and from an OT perspective. 2. Review therapeutic strategies tailored to the needs of people who hoard, and summarise underpinning evidence. 3. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is tailored to the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability who live with hoarding and acquiring behaviour
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Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Monday 15 April 2024
Enhancing safety for people with psychosocial disability: Risk assessment and safety planning in the NDIS context Attendees will: 1. Understand the application of dynamic risk assessment in practice: From referral to intervention, to exit from service. 2. Understand safety planning and the unique role of OT in providing a meaningful Safety plan for at-risk-client’s Keeping everyone safe - Client, therapist and broader support team – factors to consider
Online Webinar
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The Psychosocial Webinar Series

Monday 15 April 2024
Best practice for occupational therapy for psychosocial disability: An 8-session webinar series for OT’s working in the NDIS context Delivered in partnership with Verve OT The webinar series aims to apply OT best-practice principles across a range pf psychosocial disability-specific topics, in the NDIS context. OT’s can choose to attend individual webinars, or engage with the entire series as a ‘bundle’. Participants can expect each webinar to deliver insights to tailored, best-practice strategies and evidence-based intervention that will be immediately applicable to daily practice. As the NDIS is a rapidly evolving space, all live webinars are delivered with a policy snapshot that ensures our practice is aligned with current NDIS expectation
Online Webinar
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Understanding - International Classification of Functioning

Monday 15 April 2024
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of the ICF 2. Exploration of current and potential applications of the ICF in the social model/NDIS context 3. A discussion on the ICF and OT practice
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SDA- Essential knowledge & report writing for OT's

Monday 15 April 2024
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 17 & 24 April 2024 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST). SYDNEY TIME
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Emotional Regulation - The Basics

Monday 15 April 2024
This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s new to the field of emotional regulation, to gain a basic understanding of such, recognise clients with these needs, gain a basic understanding of some evidence based models and where to begin with this kind of therapy.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 12 April 2024
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Unlock Your Potential:Assertiveness Skills for OT Excellence

Thursday 11 April 2024
Unlock the keys to a fulfilling life by mastering assertiveness in communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution. Dive into our workshop and discover how to confidently claim your space while honouring the rights of others, even when it feels daunting. Gain invaluable insights into assertiveness, learn to gracefully decline, and overcome barriers that hinder your voice. Explore the connection between stress and assertiveness, and unearth the power within you to speak up assertively, even in challenging occupational therapy scenarios. Join us and embark on a transformative journey from passivity to assertiveness, paving the way for a healthier, more satisfying, and meaningful life in 2024 and beyond.
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Collaboratively Working with Families for NDIS Success

Tuesday 9 April 2024
"Beyond the Individual: Collaborative Approaches for Working with Families for NDIS Success" As Occupational Therapists, our role extends beyond individual participants to encompass their families and support networks, vital for achieving holistic and sustainable outcomes within the NDIS framework. Join us as we delve into the complexities of working with families facing diverse challenges, and explore strategies to navigate these complexities effectively. In this interactive workshop, we will explore the importance of integrating family-sensitive practice into our occupational therapy practice, acknowledging the unique dynamics and needs of each family. We will discuss the impact of various factors such as mental and physical health difficulties, trauma, family violence, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, and substance use on family functioning, and how these factors can affect NDIS participant outcomes.
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Monday 8 April 2024
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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Cognition and Psychosocial Disability

Friday 5 April 2024
Cognition and psychosocial disability- assessment and strategies to optimise functional capacity in daily life The webinar will: 1. Build understanding of the cognitive impacts of psychosocial disability, often an under-recognised factor in daily functioning that has significant implications for support needs. 2. Describes assessment tools and processes, and translate results to meaningful capacity building programs. 3. Review therapeutic strategies to support cognitive functioning, and underpinning evidence for these.
Online Webinar
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The Psychosocial Webinar Series

Between Tuesday 6 February 2024 and Friday 5 April 2024
Best practice for occupational therapy for psychosocial disability: An 8-session webinar series for OT’s working in the NDIS context Delivered in partnership with Verve OT The webinar series aims to apply OT best-practice principles across a range pf psychosocial disability-specific topics, in the NDIS context. OT’s can choose to attend individual webinars, or engage with the entire series as a ‘bundle’. Participants can expect each webinar to deliver insights to tailored, best-practice strategies and evidence-based intervention that will be immediately applicable to daily practice. As the NDIS is a rapidly evolving space, all live webinars are delivered with a policy snapshot that ensures our practice is aligned with current NDIS expectation
Online Webinar
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Introduction to PACE for NDIS OT's

Thursday 4 April 2024
Workshop overview: PACE is the NDIA's new computer system which is gradually rolling out to replace the existing system and My Place provider portal. But what exactly is the impact of PACE on OT providers? As the roll out continues, the level of information and changes can feel overwhelming. This webinar will seek to inform attendees with the knowledge required to navigate PACE, manage business processes and ensure success in transition over the next 12-18 months. This webinar will be suitable for registered and unregistered providers, with the opportunity for mini consultancy sessions post webinar for providers requiring further guidance.
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Introduction to PACE for NDIS OT's

Thursday 28 March 2024
Workshop overview: PACE is the NDIA's new computer system which is gradually rolling out to replace the existing system and My Place provider portal. But what exactly is the impact of PACE on OT providers? As the roll out continues, the level of information and changes can feel overwhelming. This webinar will seek to inform attendees with the knowledge required to navigate PACE, manage business processes and ensure success in transition over the next 12-18 months. This webinar will be suitable for registered and unregistered providers, with the opportunity for mini consultancy sessions post webinar for providers requiring further guidance.
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OT Practice with people who live with Hoarding Difficulties

Tuesday 26 March 2024
The webinar will: 1. Explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of hoarding and acquiring behaviour broadly and from an OT perspective. 2. Review therapeutic strategies tailored to the needs of people who hoard, and summarise underpinning evidence. 3. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is tailored to the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability who live with hoarding and acquiring behaviour
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Maximising Supervision Opportunities (CANCELLED)

Friday 22 March 2024
Supervision is an important tool in a therapist's professional development, whether at the early career stage or when transitioning to a new scope of practice. But how does a therapist ensure they are maximising their supervision experience? This webinar is tailored for occupational therapists at all levels of their professional journey to gain valuable insights in to their own learning needs and ways to ensure they get the most out of the supervision options available. Objectives: 1. Learn how to make the most of the supervision opportunities available to you. 2. Understand your learning style, feedback preferences, how to develop reflective practice and other useful considerations for supervision. 3. Provide supervision templates and reflection templates to support your clinical journey.
Online Webinar
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Motivational Strategies in OT psychosocial disability

Tuesday 19 March 2024
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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Navigating Billable Time & the NDIS

Thursday 14 March 2024
Billable time is a measure of productivity for activities that can be charged for the service delivered to a client. Billable time can be both direct (face to face) and indirect (non face to face). Knowing what is billable and what is not billable is essential in ensuring clear, ethical and transparent billing practices. As fee for service providers there will always be activities that cannot be billed for, but there are strategies that can be implemented to minimise these. Join us for this interactive webinar where we delve into the world of billing, service delivery and process efficiencies.
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Introduction to PACE for NDIS OT's

Thursday 7 March 2024
Webinar overview: PACE is the NDIA's new computer system which is gradually rolling out to replace the existing system and My Place provider portal. But what exactly is the impact of PACE on OT providers? As the roll out continues, the level of information and changes can feel overwhelming. This webinar will seek to inform attendees with the knowledge required to navigate PACE, manage business processes and ensure success in transition over the next 12-18 months. This webinar will be suitable for registered and unregistered providers, with the opportunity for mini consultancy sessions post webinar for providers requiring further guidance.
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OT Practice in Building Better Routines

Tuesday 5 March 2024
This webinar will: 1. Explore the meaning of routine and factors contributing to challenges in daily routine 2. Examine the role of OT in enabling participants to build better routines 3. Describe approaches and strategies applicable to routine development and maintenance.
Online Webinar
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Cooking - A Capacity Building Approach

Monday 4 March 2024
This webinar looks at the functional task of cooking and the different evidence based approaches to help you assess, plan intervention and evaluate your therapeutic approach, in order to assist clients to capacity build and build this specific life skill.
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Wednesday 28 February 2024
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Tuesday 27 February 2024
Enhancing safety for people with psychosocial disability: Risk assessment and safety planning in the NDIS context Attendees will: 1. Understand the application of dynamic risk assessment in practice: From referral to intervention, to exit from service. 2. Understand safety planning and the unique role of OT in providing a meaningful Safety plan for at-risk-client’s Keeping everyone safe - Client, therapist and broader support team – factors to consider
Online Webinar
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Navigating Manual Handling with Confidence

Wednesday 21 February 2024
Since the introduction of the NDIS, there has been an increased demand on therapists to provide guidance around safe manual handling techniques for those who require hands on support to participate in daily activities. Whether Occupational Therapists are working directly with a client to enable their ongoing participation, or working with carers who provide support to clients that require assistance to complete daily occupations, ensuring anyone involved in the task being completed is safe forms an essential part of our role. This two day highly interactive and hands on workshop aims to provide foundational knowledge around manual handling approaches and provide the opportunity for therapists to improve their confidence in working with people who require hands on assistance. 26 October 2023 8:30am - 16:30pm AND 27 October 2023 8:30am - 16:30pm (AEDST)
Active Mobility Systems
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Navigating Billable Time & the NDIS

Thursday 22 February 2024
Billable time is a measure of productivity for activities that can be charged for the service delivered to a client. Billable time can be both direct (face to face) and indirect (non face to face). Knowing what is billable and what is not billable is essential in ensuring clear, ethical and transparent billing practices. As fee for service providers there will always be activities that cannot be billed for, but there are strategies that can be implemented to minimise these. Join us for this interactive webinar where we delve into the world of billing, service delivery and process efficiencies.
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Emotional Mastery and Empathy Webinar

Thursday 22 February 2024
Nurture a fresh, more helpful relationship with your emotions for a valued year in 2024. Your work with challenging people and resource constraints can provoke some difficult, uncomfortable emotions. And knowing what to do with these emotions can be the difference between flourishing and flailing. Learn the essential evidence-based strategies for decoding your emotions to generate wise, successful action
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AT and Home Mods Community Fundamentals - Cancelled

Wednesday 21 February 2024
The prescription of AT and minor home modifications requires thorough and comprehensive assessment, trial and clinical reasoning by the prescribing OT. It at times be both rewarding and challenging, with the need to draw on clinical evidence, legislative requirements such as the Australian Standards plus consideration of the need of the client and their circumstances. This series of webinars will equip community-based OT’s with the skills and knowledge to assess, prescribe and identify suitable AT and minor home modification solutions effectively. Each webinar will provide a scaffold of learning, using practical tips and process checklists to build competency in the AT and minor home modifications space.
Online Webinar
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Understanding - International Classification of Functioning

Tuesday 20 February 2024
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of the ICF 2. Exploration of current and potential applications of the ICF in the social model/NDIS context 3. A discussion on the ICF and OT practice
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 16 February 2024
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Empowering Mobility: A Comprehensive Guide to Power Assist

Thursday 15 February 2024
Empowering Mobility: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Power Assist Device This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of power assist devices for manual wheelchairs. There will be discussion on how power assists can improve independence, decrease chance of injury, and enhance overall quality of life for people with mobility impairments. We will explore the four different types of power assists, including rear mounted, push rim activated, joystick operated, and front mounted devices. Attendees will learn about the unique features, benefits, and limitations of each type of power assist, and gain insights into the specific use cases where each type is most effective. We will also discuss the importance of considering individual needs and preferences when choosing a power assist device. By the end of the presentation, attendees will have a deep understanding of power assist devices and how they can help users achieve greater freedom and independence.
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Professional Clarity Series - Cancelled

Thursday 15 February 2024
This 6 week series of webinars aims to support your therapist to build their knowledge and understanding of the practicalities of working as a Health professional, as well as providing them with practical strategies to use in their daily practice to succeed. 6 x 1Hour Session starting on 15 February 2024 at 13:00 AEDT
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NDIS Reviews, the AAT and The OT role -14 & 21 February 2024

Wednesday 14 February 2024
This webinar provides information regarding the process by which participants can challenge NDIS decisions, including via the AAT. It will detail the OT role in supporting participants through internal reviews and then applying to the AAT, including understanding documentation requirements and providing evidence at a hearing. Case studies will be presented and discussed, allowing participants to gain understanding of "what happens in practice" along the often long road to the AAT. Two Part Series - 14 February 2024 and 21 February 2024 November from 11:00am to 12:30 (AEDT) - (Sydney Time)
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability in Adults

Tuesday 13 February 2024
This webinar will provide: This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability 2. An overview of outcomes measurement tools and processes, and how to implement these in practice 3. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment scores and outcome measurement into your NDIS reports and recommendations, in tune with NDIS legislation, concepts, and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Mobility Scooter Prescription

Monday 12 February 2024
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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Moving, Handling Training & Safe Work Procedures in the NDIS

Thursday 8 February 2024
The goal of a moving and handling intervention is to ensure the client and worker are safe, the routine is as efficient as it can be and it delivers a quality care routine for the client. Whilst this can involve recommendations of equipment, changes to the environment & changes the task, the last stage is to provide guidance to clients & their carers, on how the routine should take place after our intervention is finished. This can involve training and development of safe work procedures.
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SDA- Essential knowledge & report writing for OT's

Thursday 8 February 2024
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 8 & 15 February 2024 from 9.30am to 11am (AEDT).
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Mindful Self Leadership to Optimise Workload & Avoid Burnout

Wednesday 7 February 2024
Being an occupational therapist in Australia is rewarding, yet very demanding. Never has there been a greater need to prioritise your wellbeing to achieve optimal results for your clients, while enjoying compassion satisfaction and career longevity. But unless you harness the essential strategies for resilience, the forces that cause burnout are likely to erode your ability to work well and do well. Burnout worsens with increasing velocity as it progresses, and the early warning signs can easily be missed.
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Pressure Care Foundations 101

Wednesday 7 February 2024
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Tuesday 6 February 2024
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of psychosocial disability and the NDIS 2. Share the essential components of occupational therapy practice, with NDIS people who live with psychosocial disability
Online Webinar
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Monday 5 February 2024
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 15, 16, 17, 18 January 2024

Monday 15 January 2024
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 15, 16, 17, 18 January 2024 from 9:00am to 4:00pm each day.
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NDIS Access and Early Intervention

Thursday 14 December 2023
Did you know that the early intervention pathway doesn’t just apply to kids? All other age groups can also access NDIS under early intervention. Confused and don’t know what this looks like or how it works? Unsure what an access functional assessment should include or how the NDIA determines eligibility? Then this webinar is for you! With practical examples for evidencing access criteria, navigating early intervention supports and developing a report template and more!
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Monday 11 December 2023
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Tuesday 5 December 2023
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Monday 4 December 2023
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Vehicle mods 101 for non-driver trained OTs

Thursday 30 November 2023
Community mobility and accessing a vehicle can be challenging for people with physical disabilities. This webinar will assist non-driver trained OTs to understand vehicle modifications options to assist with accessing vehicles, provide a general overview of the process of vehicle modifications for drivers, and understand the NDIS vehicle modification operational guidelines. NB: This webinar will provide high level information and examples – it is not in-depth training to be able to prescribe wheelchair accessible vehicles (a full one day workshop with OT Driver Education is recommended to be competent with this). NB: if the client is a driver and wishing to apply for wheelchair stowage, it is likely that an OT driving assessment is required to demonstrate safe driving performance. Outcomes: - Understand vehicle modifications options - Understand the requirements of trialling and prescribing basic passenger and wheelchair stowage options - NDIS process and addressing the R&N
Online Webinar
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Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) 101

Wednesday 29 November 2023
As Occupational Therapists, working with people following an acquired brain injury can be extremely rewarding and complex. Every person with brain injury is unique, and require an individualised approach to rehabilitation. Occupational therapists have a unique role in supporting people to develop their functional skills and participate in meaningful activities at home and in the community. Learning Objectives - Define Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and understand the various types of ABI you may see within the NDIS. - Explain the functional implications of ABI on a patient’s physical, cognitive, behavioural and communication skills. - Understand the common comorbidities associated with ABI - Recognise the impact on families and close others - Appreciate the unique role of Occupational Therapists in assessment, goal setting and intervention - Understand the important of taking a client-directed, individualised approach with interdisciplinary collaboration.
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The Language of Healing: Navigating Oncology Terminology

Thursday 16 November 2023
Around 43% of Australians will be diagnosed with cancer by the time they are 85, making it the leading cause of death in Australia. As Occupational Therapists, we are increasingly working with people who have cancer as their primary diagnosis or in addition to other disabilities. Working in this space can seem overwhelming as the terminology and treatments is complex and cancer care is shifting from a palliative model to a chronic disease model in many cases as treatments evolve. By understanding the basics of Oncology terminology, treatments and side effects we can understand how cancer may influence our Occupational Therapy assessment and interventions to get the best outcomes for our clients. Cheryl has a passion for working with people living with cancer and has spent the majority of her 21 year career building knowledge and skills in this area. Whether you are new to working with people with cancer or would like to improve your understanding of the terminology.
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Executive Functioning For Adults

Wednesday 15 November 2023
Executive functions are commonly affected in people with a range of disabilities including acquired brain injury, autism spectrum disorder and psychosocial disabilities. Despite this, the term executive function, and the functional implications of executive dysfunction of often poorly understood.
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OT Practice in Building Better Routines

Wednesday 15 November 2023
This webinar will: 1. Explore the meaning of routine and factors contributing to challenges in daily routine 2. Examine the role of OT in enabling participants to build better routines 3. Describe approaches and strategies applicable to routine development and maintenance.
Online Webinar
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Emotional Regulation - The Basics

Monday 13 November 2023
This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s new to the field of emotional regulation, to gain a basic understanding of such, recognise clients with these needs, gain a basic understanding of some evidence based models and where to begin with this kind of therapy.
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SDA- Essential knowledge & report writing for OT's

Wednesday 8 November 2023
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 8 & 15 November 2023 from 9.30am to 11am (AEDT).
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Monday 6 November 2023
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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NDIS Rules and Operational Guidelines

Wednesday 1 November 2023
Understanding the rules and how they apply to funded supports is essential to approval success in the NDIS. The NDIS rules set out the more detailed operation of the NDIS and accompany - and should be read in conjunction with - the NDIS Act. Beyond the rules we also have the NDIS operational guidelines, which explain what the NDIA considers when making decisions based on legislation. This session will provide an overview of the rules and guidelines most relevant to OT's scope of practice to increase knowledge and awareness when recommending funded supports. Objectives: - To increase knowledge and understanding of the NDIS Rules (Supports for Participants) - To increase knowledge and understanding of relevant operational guidelines and how they relate to NDIS funded supports - To develop skills to link reporting evidence to the NDIS rules and operational guidelines.
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NDIS Reviews, the AAT and The OT role - 1 & 8 November 2023

Wednesday 1 November 2023
This webinar provides information regarding the process by which participants can challenge NDIS decisions, including via the AAT. It will detail the OT role in supporting participants through internal reviews and then applying to the AAT, including understanding documentation requirements and providing evidence at a hearing. Case studies will be presented and discussed, allowing participants to gain understanding of "what happens in practice" along the often long road to the AAT. Two Part Series -1st November2023 and 8th November from 11:30am to 13.00 (AEDT)
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Wednesday 1 November 2023
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Wednesday 25 October 2023
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability 2. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore tailoring assessment reports and recommendations to client need. 3. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS legislation, concepts, and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Readiness for Driving for OT's

Thursday 19 October 2023
OTs working with young people with diagnoses of Autism, ADHD and other psychosocial disabilities, are frequently faced with the young person approaching 16 and wanting to get their driver’s licence. How do you, as a non-driver trained OT, know if they are ready, what to consider, how does the NDIS funding work, and how do you guide them through this process? This 2 hour webinar for non-driver trained OTs will aim to increase your understanding of the impact of these conditions on driving, and navigate this process. Outcomes: Learn about the research evidence of ASD, ADHD, CP and intellectual disability in relation to driving Understand how lifeskills can help determine a client’s readiness to drive Understand state licensing authority requirements, referral process to a driving OT and the NDIS guidelines regarding learning to drive
Online Webinar
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Thursday 19 October 2023
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Friday 13 October 2023
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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Cooking - A Capacity Building Approach

Monday 9 October 2023
This webinar looks at the functional task of cooking and the different evidence based approaches to help you assess, plan intervention and evaluate your therapeutic approach, in order to assist clients to capacity build and build this specific life skill.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Monday 9 October 2023
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Assistive Technology

Wednesday 4 October 2023
This webinar will provide attendee’s with a comprehensive overview of working with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and how to best advocate for their support needs. The session aims to:
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SDA- Essential knowledge & report writing for OT's

Wednesday 4 October 2023
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 4 & 11 October 2023 from 9.30am to 11am (AEDT).
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Mobile Shower Commode Chairs – AX, Selection & Analysis

Thursday 28 September 2023
Knowing exactly where to start when prescribing a shower commode can be tricky for any OT. With the need to consider the client, their current and future needs, their caregivers, their environment plus how they are going to use the commode, it can very quickly go wrong if a thorough assessment is not undertaken. This webinar will take a deep dive into all things commodes including consideration of risk, integration with the environment, effective trials and knowledge of a range of options for every client and their unique needs and circumstances.
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Pressure Care Foundations 101

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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Fine Motor Intervention

Friday 15 September 2023
Fine motor intervention begins with a solid assessment, but there is so much to look at and consider. Do you struggle to know where to begin and find that you get lost in the findings and priorities? This webinar is aimed at helping therapists gain a basic understanding regarding the many considerations during a fine motor assessment, then utilise this information to create client centred, functional goals. This webinar aims to help clinicians increase their confidence with the assessment phase, in order to enable functional goal setting, prioritisation, intervention selection and reduce overwhelm!
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Moving, Handling Training & Safe Work Procedures in the NDIS

Thursday 7 September 2023
The goal of a moving and handling intervention is to ensure the client and worker are safe, the routine is as efficient as it can be and it delivers a quality care routine for the client. Whilst this can involve recommendations of equipment, changes to the environment & changes the task, the last stage is to provide guidance to clients & their carers, on how the routine should take place after our intervention is finished. This can involve training and development of safe work procedures.
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The Restrictive Practice Puzzle - 4th & 11th September 2023

Monday 4 September 2023
Do you have questions about restrictive practices? Are you confused or lacking in confidence about what the OT practitioner has to offer in the area of restrictive practice? Would you recognise and respond appropriately to restrictive practices in your day to day practice? With the advent of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission, the rules around restrictive practices have become complex. There is a lot of information to take in and understand. Many OTs are feeling like they don’t
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Navigating Complex Home Modifications in the NDIS

Friday 1 September 2023
Complex home modifications are a high risk area of practice for OT's working within the NDIS. With the introduction of criteria for undertaking the assessor role also comes the need for sound knowledge and understanding of the process to be followed in undertaking CHM modifications in the NDIS context. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the Home Modification operational guidelines. It will also include an overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, quoting and reporting. We will review the reporting required for complex home modifications plus discuss various case scenarios demonstrating home mods success. This will include consideration of capital additions and relocation applications.
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Navigating Home Adaptations & Minor Modifications in NDIS

Friday 1 September 2023
Home adaptations and minor modifications are common referral requests for OT's working within the NDIS. Whilst relatively simple on the surface, at times the process to navigate requirements for funding and preparation of reporting can be confusing. With the introduction of benchmark pricing for minor modifications, therapists need to have sound knowledge and understanding of the steps involved. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the Home Modification operational guidelines. It will also include an overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, quoting and reporting. We will review the reporting required for adaptations and minor modifications plus discuss various case scenarios demonstrating home mods success.
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Sexuality and Intimacy 101 & 102

Thursday 31 August 2023
Session 101 - Join us for the first of two workshops that aims to empower occupational therapists with the knowledge and confidence needed to broach the topic of sexuality and intimacy with their clients. Session 101 to be held on Thursday 31st August 12noon – 2pm AEST Session 102 - Join us for workshop two to build on skills and homework completed in session one to empower occupational therapists with the knowledge and confidence needed to address occupational sexuality and intimacy topics. Session 102 to be held on Thursday 14th Sept 12- 2pm AEST
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Mobile Shower Commode Chairs – AX, Selection & Analysis

Thursday 31 August 2023
Knowing exactly where to start when prescribing a shower commode can be tricky for any OT. With the need to consider the client, their current and future needs, their caregivers, their environment plus how they are going to use the commode, it can very quickly go wrong if a thorough assessment is not undertaken. This webinar will take a deep dive into all things commodes including consideration of risk, integration with the environment, effective trials and knowledge of a range of options for every client and their unique needs and circumstances.
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OT Practice with people who live with hoarding difficulties

Wednesday 30 August 2023
The webinar will: 1. Explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of hoarding and acquiring behaviour broadly and from an OT perspective. 2. Review therapeutic strategies tailored to the needs of people who hoard, and summarise underpinning evidence. 3. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is tailored to the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability who live with hoarding and acquiring behaviour
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 25 August 2023
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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OT Practice - Living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Thursday 24 August 2023
This webinar will: 1. Explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) broadly and from an OT perspective. 2. Review therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. FASD -relevant assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed.
Online Webinar
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Wednesday 23 August 2023
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 18 August 2023
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Executive Functioning For Adults

Wednesday 9 August 2023
Executive functions are commonly affected in people with a range of disabilities including acquired brain injury, autism spectrum disorder and psychosocial disabilities. Despite this, the term executive function, and the functional implications of executive dysfunction of often poorly understood.
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Prescribing Personal Alarms 101

Wednesday 9 August 2023
This webinar will provide: 1. Explore the barriers to effective alarm prescriptions and how to overcome them 2. Unpack the features and functions of personal alarms and how this impacts OT prescriptions. 3. Assessment approaches and tools for finding the right solution.
Online Webinar
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OT Practice in Building Better Routines

Wednesday 9 August 2023
This webinar will: 1. Explore the meaning of routine and factors contributing to challenges in daily routine 2. Examine the role of OT in enabling participants to build better routines 3. Describe approaches and strategies applicable to routine development and maintenance.
Online Webinar
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Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Monday 7 August 2023
Attendees will: 1. Understand the application of dynamic risk assessment in practice: From referral to intervention, to exit from service. 2. Understand safety planning and the unique role of OT in providing a meaningful Safety plan for at-risk-client’s Keeping everyone safe - Client, therapist and broader support team – factors to consider
Online Webinar
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SDA- Essential knowledge & report writing for OT's

Wednesday 2 August 2023
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 2 & 9 August 2023 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST).
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Tuesday 1 August 2023
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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Responding to Sexualised Behaviour

Thursday 27 July 2023
Join us for this one-hour workshop that aims to empower occupational therapists with the knowledge and confidence needed to broach the topic of sexuality with their clients who may have multi-faceted behavioural, communication, sensory, and/or learning needs.
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Recovery Oriented OT Practice in the NDIS Context

Wednesday 26 July 2023
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of the recovery model for psychosocial disability 2. Exploration of occupational therapy recovery-oriented practice and relevant assessments and intervention. 3. Review of the newly developed NDIS Psychosocial Recovery Framework and implications for OT practice.
Online Webinar
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Wednesday 19 July 2023
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability 2. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore tailoring assessment reports and recommendations to client need. 3. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS legislation, concepts, and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Emotional Regulation - The Basics

Friday 14 July 2023
This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s new to the field of emotional regulation, to gain a basic understanding of such, recognise clients with these needs, gain a basic understanding of some evidence based models and where to begin with this kind of therapy.
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Wednesday 12 July 2023
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of psychosocial disability and the NDIS 2. Share the essential components of occupational therapy practice, with NDIS people who live with psychosocial disability
Online Webinar
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Supporting Transition to SDA: OT Roles and Responsibilities

Wednesday 12 July 2023
This webinar will focus on the SDA process once eligibility has been assessed. The session will explore AT and modifications in the SDA context, role of the developer in working to provide customisations, and transitioning to living in SDA. This session will also provide an overview of the SDA review that was released in June 2023, including updated pricing, and key messages related to self-provision of SDA, support for single family members needing SDA, and rationales for cost efficiency of SDA supports. We will also discuss an overview of AAT processes as they relate to SDA decisions.
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The Psychosocial Webinar Series

Wednesday 12 July 2023
We currently have eight psychosocial webinars scheduled and right now you have the option of purchasing them all at once! The webinar series aims to apply OT best-practice principles across a range pf psychosocial disability-specific topics, in the NDIS context. OT’s can choose to attend individual webinars, or engage with the entire series as a ‘bundle’. Participants can expect each webinar to deliver insights to tailored, best-practice strategies and evidence-based intervention that will be immediately applicable to daily practice. As the NDIS is a rapidly evolving space, all live webinars are delivered with a policy snapshot that ensures our practice is aligned with current NDIS expectation.
Online Webinar
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 3, 4, 5, 6 July 2023

Monday 3 July 2023
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 3, 4, 5, 6 July 2023 from 9:00am to 4:00pm each day.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 23 June 2023
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Fine Motor Intervention

Friday 23 June 2023
Fine motor intervention begins with a solid assessment, but there is so much to look at and consider. Do you struggle to know where to begin and find that you get lost in the findings and priorities? This webinar is aimed at helping therapists gain a basic understanding regarding the many considerations during a fine motor assessment, then utilise this information to create client centred, functional goals. This webinar aims to help clinicians increase their confidence with the assessment phase, in order to enable functional goal setting, prioritisation, intervention selection and reduce overwhelm!
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Tuesday 20 June 2023
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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Cooking - A Capacity Building Approach

Friday 16 June 2023
This webinar looks at the functional task of cooking and the different evidence based approaches to help you assess, plan intervention and evaluate your therapeutic approach, in order to assist clients to capacity build and build this specific life skill.
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Community OT Bundle

Wednesday 14 June 2023
The purchase of both webinar series - Series 1 - Foundation Skills - Working as a Community OT and Series 2 - AT and Home mods - Interventions in People’s Homes
Online Webinar
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SDA- Essential knowledge & report writing for OT's

Wednesday 14 June 2023
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 14 & 21 June 2023 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST).
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NDIS Access and Early Intervention

Friday 9 June 2023
Did you know that the early intervention pathway doesn’t just apply to kids? All other age groups can also access NDIS under early intervention. Confused and don’t know what this looks like or how it works? Unsure what an access functional assessment should include or how the NDIA determines eligibility? Then this webinar is for you! With practical examples for evidencing access criteria, navigating early intervention supports and developing a report template and more!
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Thursday 8 June 2023
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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AT and Minor Home mods - Interventions in People’s Homes

Wednesday 7 June 2023
The prescription of AT and minor home modifications requires thorough and comprehensive assessment, trial and clinical reasoning by the prescribing OT. It at times be both rewarding and challenging, with the need to draw on clinical evidence, legislative requirements such as the Australian Standards plus consideration of the need of the client and their circumstances. This series of webinars will equip community-based OT’s with the skills and knowledge to assess, prescribe and identify suitable AT and minor home modification solutions effectively. Each webinar will provide a scaffold of learning, using practical tips and process checklists to build competency in the AT and minor home modifications space.
Online Webinar
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The Restrictive Practice Puzzle - 7th & 14 June 2023 (CANCELLED)

Tuesday 6 June 2023
Do you have questions about restrictive practices? Are you confused or lacking in confidence about what the OT practitioner has to offer in the area of restrictive practice? Would you recognise and respond appropriately to restrictive practices in your day to day practice? With the advent of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission, the rules around restrictive practices have become complex. There is a lot of information to take in and understand. Many OTs are feeling like they don’t
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 2 June 2023
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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NDIS Reviews, the AAT and The OT role - 2 Part Series

Wednesday 31 May 2023
This webinar provides information regarding the process by which participants can challenge NDIS decisions, including via the AAT. It will detail the OT role in supporting participants through internal reviews and then applying to the AAT, including understanding documentation requirements and providing evidence at a hearing. Case studies will be presented and discussed, allowing participants to gain understanding of "what happens in practice" along the often long road to the AAT. Two Part Series -31st May and 7 June from 11am to 12.30pm (AEST)
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Navigating NDIS Pricing for OT's

Monday 29 May 2023
The NDIS Price Guide AKA NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits, is a lengthy document outlining all things pricing under the NDIS. The info we need as providers is there, but it's time consuming and oddly confusing to locate at the best of times. This webinar will do a deep dive into the price guide covering the specific areas of interest to NDIS OT’s. From travel to allied health assistants, group pricing, disability related health supports and more, you’ll be a pricing guru by the end of the session! This webinar will review the current 22/23 price guide.
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills (CANCELLED)

Friday 19 May 2023
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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Long Covid & Disability: Exploring the Role of OT (CANCELLED)

Thursday 18 May 2023
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of the current data and evidence on prevalence of ‘long covid’ in Australia and internationally 2. A review of evidence of the impact of ‘long covid’ on people with disabilities 3. Exploration of occupational therapy role in navigating ‘long covid’ impacts 4. Policy and practice considerations for the future management of ‘Long covid’.
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Wednesday 17 May 2023
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing these application
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Telehealth & Digital Mental Health Practice for OT

Wednesday 17 May 2023
This webinar will: - Explore the meaning of best practice in telehealth and digital mental health service provision - Provide an overview of the essential information from the new National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards, for application in the NDIS space - Explore ethical considerations for app and AI-based technology in mental health practice - Envision the future of digital mental health practice for OT
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Bidet Prescription 101

Friday 12 May 2023
Use of the toilet is a critical skill for independent living. The process of toileting is complex, consisting of mobilising to a toilet, undressing, positioning on the toilet, voiding bladder or bowels, cleansing the perineum area, applying / removing sanitary or incontinence products (if applicable), transferring off the toilet, redressing, flushing the toilet and washing hands. Toileting is usually mastered in early childhood and control over this private activity remains integral to a
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Duty of Care & Practice Conundrums in NDIS OT Practice

Friday 12 May 2023
The NDIS space can raise major ethical questions for OT's, and this webinar takes the opportunity to dive into some of these burning issues you always wanted a safe place to explore. What does duty of care mean in the NDIS space? How should an OT respond to requests for documentation on supports that don't meet R & N? What should we do if our documentation and evidence is potentially used to make the case for additional funds that perpetuate poor, or even harmful, support provision, including Home and Living supports? How can OT help the NDIS raise the bar on quality supports for participants?
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Professional Clarity Series 4 New Grads in 2023 (CANCELLED)

Thursday 11 May 2023
Are you employing new grads in 2023? This Professional Clarity series is focussed on supporting them to successfully transition from student to Allied Health Professional. Kickstart your new graduates professional careers with this practical series focussing on building foundational skills as an Allied Health Professional! 6 x 1 hour workshops being run on 11 May, 18 May, 25 May, 1 June, 8 June and 15 June 2023 from 2pm to 3pm (AEST).
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The Power of the Pelvis

Thursday 11 May 2023
Completing a comprehensive seating assessment so postural asymmetries and challenges around pressure risks can be identified effectively is essential in order to ensure functional outcomes and enable sustainable sitting tolerances. Whilst a MAT evaluation forms an important part of our role as seating clinicians, just as essential is knowing how to interpret the findings and understanding equipment configurations and features available to promote optimal outcomes.
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Navigating Assistive Technology in the NDIS

Wednesday 10 May 2023
This webinar is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT in the NDIS. AT processes can be confusing, but this webinar will assist to break down the jargon and understand the role of the OT at all levels of AT prescription. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the AT operational guidelines. It will also include and overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, trials and reporting.
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Mindful Self Leadership to Optimise Workload & Avoid Burnout

Wednesday 10 May 2023
Being an occupational therapist in Australia is rewarding, yet very demanding. Never has there been a greater need to prioritise your wellbeing to achieve optimal results for your clients, while enjoying compassion satisfaction and career longevity. But unless you harness the essential strategies for resilience, the forces that cause burnout are likely to erode your ability to work well and do well. Burnout worsens with increasing velocity as it progresses, and the early warning signs can easily be missed.
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Navigating Home Modifications in the NDIS

Wednesday 3 May 2023
This webinar is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things Home Modifications in the NDIS, both simple and complex. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the Home Modification operational guidelines. It will also include an overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, quoting and reporting. We will review the reporting required for all cost levels plus discuss various case scenarios demonstrating
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Foundation Skills - Working as a Community OT

Wednesday 26 April 2023
The role of a community-based OT is very different to that of other OT’s. Constantly out and about, navigating different environments, comprehending the various funding schemes all whilst addressing functional limitations to maximise function of our clients in their own homes. Phew, it’s a big job! This series of webinars will equip community-based OT’s with the skills and knowledge required to effectively navigate the various aspects of their role. Each webinar will provide a scaffold of learning, using practical tips and process checklists to build competency in a Community OT role.
Online Webinar
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SDA- Essential knowledge & report writing for OT's

Wednesday 26 April 2023
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 26 April & 3 May 2023 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST).
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Monday 24 April 2023
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 21 April 2023
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Assistive Technology

Tuesday 18 April 2023
This webinar will provide attendee’s with a comprehensive overview of working with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and how to best advocate for their support needs. The session aims to:
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice (CANCELLED)

Friday 14 April 2023
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Tuesday 4 April 2023
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Caregiver Readiness for Engagement in Therapy

Friday 31 March 2023
Do you find that you are having the same conversations with your families? Feel like you are on a continual wheel of educating? Trying to take more of a collaborative or coaching approach in therapy and it is not working? This model of readiness for engagement in therapy will assist you to learn how to best support the parents and educators of children on your caseload. This workshop will provide you with a clear framework and model to consider when working alongside family members and educators and supporting them all to meet the child’s goals.
Online Webinar
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Assess Decision Making Capacity - Clients with Disabilities

Thursday 30 March 2023
OTs are uniquely placed to be able to assess for capacity to make decisions, however very few OTs are trained in this area. Designed for OTs who have completed the Introduction to Decision Making Capacity Webinar, or those who already have an understanding of the principles of Capacity in clients with disabilities, this webinar will teach attendees how to complete a thorough assessment of Decision Making Capacity in clients with disabilities, how to make an application to the Tribunal for Guardianship and how to write a report demonstrating a client’s abilities in Decision-Making Capacity. Additional mentoring and supervision from the presenter can be accessed following the webinar for attendees working on individual cases where capacity is an issue.
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5 Common Mistakes Made When Recommending a Basic Wheelchair

Tuesday 28 March 2023
FREE TRAINING 90 minutes where we will share with you: * Proven processes and strategies commonly used to recommend wheelchairs * Where to start to help ‘fix’ people’s wheelchair setup if what they have is not suitable * Overview of OT process when working with AT * How to objectively know your limits and when to refer on * Outline for our upcoming Community Fundamentals training starting April 2023 * Pick my brain- live coaching to get your wheelchair questions answered If you don’t following a step by step process when recommending wheelchairs there is a high risk of injuries, dissatisfaction, disengagement and abandonment of equipment. This can be avoided. Know your next steps to grow your scope.
Online Webinar
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Are You Wearing Your Coregulation Lenses?

Friday 24 March 2023
Are you supporting a variety of clients to meet self-regulation goals? But seeing minimal changes in behaviour, self-regulation, or dysregulation? This workshop will teach you about understanding attachment, and brain based interventions to develop a child’s capacity for self-regulation. This workshop will support you to understand how to manage challenging behaviours within your therapy sessions, understand your therapeutic use of self and support you to “shift the lense” away from behaviour and self-regulation based interventions, instead focussing on building caregiver capacity to coregulate, and prime the brain for the development of self-regulation in the future.
Online Webinar
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OT Functional Capacity Assessments for Paediatrics

Friday 24 March 2023
OT functional assessments within the paediatric space are just as sought after for every other age group. But what makes them different from every other age group? This session will explore all aspects of the delivery of an OT functional assessment within the paediatric population. It will include assessment approach, common standardised assessment tools and preparation of reporting. As the treating therapist, the OT is in the best possible position to prepare a functional assessment for their paediatric client in a timely and cost effective manner. This webinar will ensure that OT's feel confident and competent in providing the best service delivery outcome.
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5 Common Mistakes Made When Recommending a Basic Wheelchair

Friday 24 March 2023
FREE TRAINING 90 minutes where we will share with you: * Proven processes and strategies commonly used to recommend wheelchairs * Where to start to help ‘fix’ people’s wheelchair setup if what they have is not suitable * Overview of OT process when working with AT * How to objectively know your limits and when to refer on * Outline for our upcoming Community Fundamentals training starting April 2023 * Pick my brain- live coaching to get your wheelchair questions answered If you don’t following a step by step process when recommending wheelchairs there is a high risk of injuries, dissatisfaction, disengagement and abandonment of equipment. This can be avoided. Know your next steps to grow your scope.
Online Webinar
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Emotional Regulation 101

Thursday 23 March 2023
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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OT Practice with people who live with hoarding difficulties

Thursday 23 March 2023
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind.
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5 Common Mistakes Made When Recommending a Basic Wheelchair

Wednesday 22 March 2023
FREE TRAINING 90 minutes where we will share with you: * Proven processes and strategies commonly used to recommend wheelchairs * Where to start to help ‘fix’ people’s wheelchair setup if what they have is not suitable * Overview of OT process when working with AT * How to objectively know your limits and when to refer on * Outline for our upcoming Community Fundamentals training starting April 2023 * Pick my brain- live coaching to get your wheelchair questions answered If you don’t following a step by step process when recommending wheelchairs there is a high risk of injuries, dissatisfaction, disengagement and abandonment of equipment. This can be avoided. Know your next steps to grow your scope.
Online Webinar
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Supporting Exec Functioning Difficulties in Children & YA's

Friday 17 March 2023
Executive functioning difficulties…. Do you know what this looks like in our younger clients? Are you working with children or young adults who have difficulties with completing tasks independently, effectively and with purpose? This workshop will support you to consider executive functioning skills and the impact these have on our client’s ability to become independent. This workshop is targeted to towards building your confidence as an OT to support school aged to young adults to increase their independence, reach their goals and find strategies to manage their executive functioning difficulties.
Online Webinar
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Thursday 16 March 2023
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Wednesday 15 March 2023
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing these application
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Tuesday 14 March 2023
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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How to Support Toilet Training Goals in Children

Friday 10 March 2023
Independent toileting is an essential life skill for many of our younger clients. For some it comes easy and for others, it can be a long, stressful and complex journey to toileting success. As clinicians, we are often asked to play an active role in the development of this important life skill. But how do we know where and when to start? Throughout this workshop we will learn about toileting developmental norms, considerations of toileting acquisition stages and how to support the family as a whole through this important goal. This workshop is targeted towards building your confidence as an OT to supporting younger children 0-12 years to develop independence with toileting.
Online Webinar
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Cooking - A Capacity Building Approach

Friday 10 March 2023
This webinar looks at the functional task of cooking and the different evidence based approaches to help you assess, plan intervention and evaluate your therapeutic approach, in order to assist clients to capacity build and build this specific life skill.
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OT Practice - Living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Thursday 9 March 2023
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed.
Online Webinar
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Supporting Transition to SDA: OT Roles and Responsibilities

Thursday 9 March 2023
Small group session focussing the SDA process once eligibility has been assessed. The session will explore AT and modifications in the SDA context, timing of applications, role of the developer and transitioning to living in SDA.
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The Restrictive Practice Puzzle - 7th & 14th March 2023

Tuesday 7 March 2023
Do you have questions about restrictive practices? Are you confused or lacking in confidence about what the OT practitioner has to offer in the area of restrictive practice? Would you recognise and respond appropriately to restrictive practices in your day to day practice? With the advent of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission, the rules around restrictive practices have become complex. There is a lot of information to take in and understand. Many OTs are feeling like they don’t
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OT Practice in Building Better Routines

Thursday 2 March 2023
This webinar will: 1. Explore the meaning of routine and factors contributing to challenges in daily routine 2. Examine the role of OT in enabling participants to build better routines 3. Describe approaches and strategies applicable to routine development and maintenance.
Online Webinar
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Bidet Prescription 101

Friday 24 February 2023
Use of the toilet is a critical skill for independent living. The process of toileting is complex, consisting of mobilising to a toilet, undressing, positioning on the toilet, voiding bladder or bowels, cleansing the perineum area, applying / removing sanitary or incontinence products (if applicable), transferring off the toilet, redressing, flushing the toilet and washing hands. Toileting is usually mastered in early childhood and control over this private activity remains integral to a
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Recovery Oriented OT Practice in the NDIS Context

Friday 24 February 2023
This webinar will provide an overview of the recovery model for psychosocial disability, explore OT recovery oriented practice & relevant assessments & interviews and review the newly developed NDIS Psychosocial Recovery Framework and implications for OT Practice.
Online Webinar
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OT Functional Capacity Assessments for Paediatrics

Friday 24 February 2023
OT functional assessments within the paediatric space are just as sought after for every other age group. But what makes them different from every other age group? This session will explore all aspects of the delivery of an OT functional assessment within the paediatric population. It will include assessment approach, common standardised assessment tools and preparation of reporting. As the treating therapist, the OT is in the best possible position to prepare a functional assessment for their paediatric client in a timely and cost effective manner. This webinar will ensure that OT's feel confident and competent in providing the best service delivery outcome.
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Introduction to Decision Making Capacity

Thursday 23 February 2023
Have you ever had a client where you were concerned about their ability to make decisions? Like everyone, people with disabilities can benefit from support when making decisions. But how can we as OT's assist to identify when a client may require this assistance? This webinar is designed for OTs who are interested in learning more about Decision Making Capacity in clients with disabilities. It will provide a general introduction to Decision Making Capacity, considering the domains of capacity, how to identify and outline the signs that may indicate when someone is experiencing difficulty, and identify solutions as to how to address this. The webinar will also discuss the legal implications of Capacity. This webinar is a great introduction into Decision Making Capacity. For OT's seeking further guidance in the OT role in assessment of capacity, Webinar 2 – How to Competently Assess for Decision Making Capacity in Clients with Disabilities may be of interest.
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Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 23 February 2023
This webinar will explore strategies to assess for and manage risk in psychosocial disability practice. The focus is on keeping both client, therapist and relevant others safe while providing quality, trauma-informed assessment and therapeutic support. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT experienced in working with clients with psycho-social disability. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Wednesday 22 February 2023
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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SDA - Essential knowledge for Ax & report writing for OT's

Wednesday 22 February 2023
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 22 February & 1 March 2023 from 9.30am to 11am (AEDT).
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AT Framework- For the OT working with AT in 2023 - 20/21 Feb

Monday 20 February 2023
The AT Framework is a 2-day intensive designed for OTs who have been working with AT for a few years or more supporting adults with physical conditions to live as safely and independently as possible at home. The AT Framework will increase your understanding of supportive legislations and practice models, funding options, and practical strategies on how to get the best outcomes in the most effective and efficient ways. Be able to follow the OT process steps with checklists and tools to help you in this role. The workshop fee covers both days of content.
Online Webinar
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 17 February 2023
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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Professional Clarity Series 4 New Grads in 2023

Friday 17 February 2023
Are you employing new grads in 2023? This Professional Clarity series is focussed on supporting them to successfully transition from student to Allied Health Professional. Kickstart your new graduates professional careers with this practical series focussing on building foundational skills as an Allied Health Professional! 6 x 1 hour workshops being run on 17 February, 24 February, 3 March, 10 March, 17 March, 24 March 2023 from 11am to 12pm (AEDT).
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NDIS Reviews, the AAT and The OT role - 2 Part Series

Wednesday 15 February 2023
This webinar provides information regarding the process by which participants can challenge NDIS decisions, including via the AAT. It will detail the OT role in supporting participants through internal reviews and then applying to the AAT, including understanding documentation requirements and providing evidence at a hearing. Case studies will be presented and discussed, allowing participants to gain understanding of "what happens in practice" along the often long road to the AAT. Two Part Series -15th February and 1st March from 11am to 12.30pm (AEDT)
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 10 February 2023
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 9 February 2023
In this interactive webinar, we take a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Monday 6 February 2023
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Thursday 2 February 2023
This session is tailored to the needs of mental health OT's in providing assessment and capacity building support to people experiencing psychosocial disability. OT-relevant NDIS principles of R&N will be explored and applied in the context of psychosocial disability. We will unpack report and recommendation-writing for optimal client outcomes. Attendees are offered opportunity to bring practice challenges for problem-solving in a supportive group environment.
Online Webinar
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The Psychosocial Webinar Series

Thursday 2 February 2023
We currently have eight psychosocial webinars scheduled and right now you have the option of purchasing them all at once!
Online Webinar
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 27 January 2023
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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OT Functional Capacity Assessments for Paediatrics

Monday 23 January 2023
OT functional assessments within the paediatric space are just as sought after for every other age group. But what makes them different from every other age group? This session will explore all aspects of the delivery of an OT functional assessment within the paediatric population. It will include assessment approach, common standardised assessment tools and preparation of reporting. As the treating therapist, the OT is in the best possible position to prepare a functional assessment for their paediatric client in a timely and cost effective manner. This webinar will ensure that OT's feel confident and competent in providing the best service delivery outcome.
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OT Functional Capacity Assessments for Paediatrics

Friday 20 January 2023
OT functional assessments within the paediatric space are just as sought after for every other age group. But what makes them different from every other age group? This session will explore all aspects of the delivery of an OT functional assessment within the paediatric population. It will include assessment approach, common standardised assessment tools and preparation of reporting. As the treating therapist, the OT is in the best possible position to prepare a functional assessment for their paediatric client in a timely and cost effective manner. This webinar will ensure that OT's feel confident and competent in providing the best service delivery outcome.
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Tuesday 17 January 2023
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 16, 17, 18, 19 January 2023

Monday 16 January 2023
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 16, 17, 18, 19 January 2023 from 9:00am to 4:00pm each day.
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Cooking - A Capacity Building Approach

Friday 13 January 2023
This webinar looks at the functional task of cooking and the different evidence based approaches to help you assess, plan intervention and evaluate your therapeutic approach, in order to assist clients to capacity build and build this specific life skill.
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Expand a Paeds OT Practice with an Allied Health Assistant

Friday 2 December 2022
Have you dreamed of having the right support but have no idea how to find the right AHA or where to even start? OR You already have an AHA on your team but no time to train or support them? If you feel like you need more capacity in your business and you are tired of spinning your wheels, this training class is for you.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 2 December 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 30 Nov to 7 Dec 2022

Wednesday 30 November 2022
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 30 Nov to 7 Dec 2022 from 9.30am to 11am (AEDST).
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Working with People who Hoard, an OT Perspective

Friday 18 November 2022
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind.
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Navigating Assistive Technology in the NDIS

Friday 18 November 2022
This webinar is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT in the NDIS. AT processes can be confusing, but this webinar will assist to break down the jargon and understand the role of the OT at all levels of AT prescription. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the AT operational guidelines. It will also include and overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, trials and reporting.
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Apple Accessibility 101 - 18 & 25 November 2022

Friday 18 November 2022
Have you wondered about the built-in settings in your Apple devices, and how they can help the people you work with? This two-part workshop will provide an overview of iPad and iPhone accessibility settings and their potential suitability for people OTs may work with, including people with literacy, cognitive, vision and physical impairments. Two sessions will be run on the 18 & 25 November 2022 from 11am to 12.30pm (AEDT).
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SDA 201 - What comes next?

Wednesday 16 November 2022
Small group session focussing the SDA process once eligibility has been assessed. The session will explore AT and modifications in the SDA context, timing of applications, role of the developer and transitioning to living in SDA. Two hour session on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 from 11am to 1pm (AEDT).
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Navigating Home Modifications in the NDIS

Tuesday 15 November 2022
This webinar is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things Home Modifications in the NDIS, both simple and complex. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the Home Modification operational guidelines. It will also include an overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, quoting and reporting. We will review the reporting required for all cost levels plus discuss various case scenarios demonstrating
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Friday 11 November 2022
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 4 November 2022
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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ON DEMAND - Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Assistive Technology

Monday 31 October 2022
This webinar will provide attendee’s with a comprehensive overview of working with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and how to best advocate for their support needs. The session aims to:
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ON DEMAND - Complex Seating AT and the NDIS

Monday 31 October 2022
This session has been designed for those who are keen to augment their skills in the AT application process that surrounds seating assessments, specifically complex seating, postural and pressure considerations and how to effectively address the NDIS ‘reasonable & necessary’ criteria for features and recommended components. Included will be some resources to aid in clinical justification of features and the evidence based, best practice recommendations which underpin complex seating prescription
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AT and Home mods - Interventions in People’s Homes

Monday 31 October 2022
The prescription of AT and minor home modifications requires thorough and comprehensive assessment, trial and clinical reasoning by the prescribing OT. It at times be both rewarding and challenging, with the need to draw on clinical evidence, legislative requirements such as the Australian Standards plus consideration of the need of the client and their circumstances. This series of webinars will equip community-based OT’s with the skills and knowledge to assess, prescribe and identify suitable AT and minor home modification solutions effectively. Each webinar will provide a scaffold of learning, using practical tips and process checklists to build competency in the AT and minor home modifications space.
Online Webinar
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ON DEMAND - The Restrictive Practice Puzzle

Monday 31 October 2022
Do you have questions about restrictive practices? Are you confused or lacking in confidence about what the OT practitioner has to offer in the area of restrictive practice? Would you recognise and respond appropriately to restrictive practices in your day to day practice? With the advent of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission, the rules around restrictive practices have become complex. There is a lot of information to take in and understand. Many OTs are feeling like they don’t
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ON DEMAND - Pressure Care Foundations 101

Monday 31 October 2022
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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ON DEMAND - Animal Assisted Therapy

Monday 31 October 2022
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) has become more accessible in recent years, but what exactly is it? There are a range of different applications including therapeutic, emotional support and hippotherapy. This small group training session will cover off the purpose of animal assisted therapy, the evidence base and desired outcomes, funding sources and developing AAT into your own professional practice. This is a great session for anyone interested in exploring AAT for the benefit of their clients.
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ON DEMAND - Bidet Prescription 101

Monday 31 October 2022
Use of the toilet is a critical skill for independent living. The process of toileting is complex, consisting of mobilising to a toilet, undressing, positioning on the toilet, voiding bladder or bowels, cleansing the perineum area, applying / removing sanitary or incontinence products (if applicable), transferring off the toilet, redressing, flushing the toilet and washing hands. Toileting is usually mastered in early childhood and control over this private activity remains integral to a
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ON DEMAND - Mobility Scooter Prescription

Monday 31 October 2022
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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ON DEMAND - NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Monday 31 October 2022
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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ON DEMAND - NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Monday 31 October 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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ON DEMAND - Postural Care for Adults and Aged Care

Monday 31 October 2022
Enhancing function and quality of life by protecting body shape by supportive lying and sitting. Sounds simple, but a person’s lying posture can have a distorting effect on their body shape and structure. This is particularly relevant to people with mobility impairment. The session will explain how peoples body shape distorts, discuss how lying posture relates to sitting, relate supported lying and sitting to improved function and QoL.
Online Webinar
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ON DEMAND - Sensory Processing in Adults, Assessment &

Monday 31 October 2022
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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ON DEMAND - SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Monday 31 October 2022
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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ON DEMAND - Sensational Start to Setting Up Private Practice

Monday 31 October 2022
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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ON DEMAND - Standardised Assessment Tools

Monday 31 October 2022
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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ON DEMAND - Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Monday 31 October 2022
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Friday 28 October 2022
This webinar will explore strategies to assess for and manage risk in psychosocial disability practice. The focus is on keeping both client, therapist and relevant others safe while providing quality, trauma-informed assessment and therapeutic support. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT experienced in working with clients with psycho-social disability. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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CANCELLED - NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Friday 28 October 2022
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Friday 28 October 2022
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Wednesday 26 October 2022
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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Dear OT, how well is your well-being?

Tuesday 25 October 2022
We are thrilled to offer an updated and extended workshop to enable more time for interaction, completing the workbook and experiencing an extended meditation and mindfulness practice. An interactive 2.5 hour session created with the intention to commence supporting and guiding OTs towards self-discovery, sustainable wellbeing, growth, and empowerment in the ongoing humanitarian crisis climate we live in full of internal and external turbulence and tough emotions.
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OT Practice in Building Better Routines

Friday 21 October 2022
This webinar will: 1. Explore the meaning of routine and factors contributing to challenges in daily routine 2. Examine the role of OT in enabling participants to build better routines 3. Describe approaches and strategies applicable to routine development and maintenance.
Online Webinar
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ON DEMAND - Thermomix Prescription 101

Tuesday 18 October 2022
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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OT Practice - Living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Friday 14 October 2022
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed.
Online Webinar
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Navigating Home Modifications in the NDIS

Wednesday 12 October 2022
This webinar is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things Home Modifications in the NDIS, both simple and complex. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the Home Modification operational guidelines. It will also include an overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, quoting and reporting. We will review the reporting required for all cost levels plus discuss various case scenarios demonstrating
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 12 & 19 October 2022

Wednesday 12 October 2022
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 12 & 19 October 2022 from 9.30am to 11am (AEDST).
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 30 September 2022
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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Psychosocial Disability - OT Role in Housing Transition

Friday 23 September 2022
This webinar will explore factors that enable a person with psychosocial disability to transition successfully to a new living environment. Attendees will: 1. Understand functional capacity and relate this to a sustainable housing model/environment (e.g. SIL, ILO, SDA) 2. Understand factors that restrict/enable a sustainable home, from an OT perspective 3. Build knowledge of dynamic assessment approaches and outcomes measures in planning for and enabling housing transition. 4. Understand why
Online Webinar
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 23 September 2022
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing these application
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Friday 16 September 2022
In this interactive webinar, we take a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 14 September 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Foundation Skills - Working as a Community OT

Monday 12 September 2022
The role of a community-based OT is very different to that of other OT’s. Constantly out and about, navigating different environments, comprehending the various funding schemes all whilst addressing functional limitations to maximise function of our clients in their own homes. Phew, it’s a big job! This series of webinars will equip community-based OT’s with the skills and knowledge required to effectively navigate the various aspects of their role. Each webinar will provide a scaffold of learning, using practical tips and process checklists to build competency in a Community OT role.
Online Webinar
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Friday 9 September 2022
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Friday 9 September 2022
This session is tailored to the needs of mental health OT's in providing assessment and capacity building support to people experiencing psychosocial disability. OT-relevant NDIS principles of R&N will be explored and applied in the context of psychosocial disability. We will unpack report and recommendation-writing for optimal client outcomes. Attendees are offered opportunity to bring practice challenges for problem-solving in a supportive group environment.
Online Webinar
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Community OT Bundle

Friday 9 September 2022
The purchase of both webinars Foundation Skills - Working as a Community OT & AT and Home mods - Interventions in People’s Homes.
Online Webinar
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The Psychosocial Webinar Series

Thursday 8 September 2022
We currently have eight psychosocial webinars scheduled and right now you have the option of purchasing them all at once!
Online Webinar
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists- 31 August & 7 Sept 2022

Wednesday 31 August 2022
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 31 August & 7 Sept 2022 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST).
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 26 August 2022
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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Working with People who Hoard, an OT Perspective

Thursday 25 August 2022
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind.
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Thursday 18 August 2022
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 12 August 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 11 August 2022
This webinar will explore strategies to assess for and manage risk in psychosocial disability practice. The focus is on keeping both client, therapist and relevant others safe while providing quality, trauma-informed assessment and therapeutic support. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT experienced in working with clients with psycho-social disability. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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Advanced Sensory Processing in Adults – 201

Tuesday 9 August 2022
Designed for OTs who have already completed the Sensory Processing in Adults Course run by Nikki, or those who have an understanding of the principles of sensory processing including assessment and intervention concepts. This webinar will step attendees through the process of how to work with clients with identified sensory processing issues to implement an advanced program of sensory-based intervention for complex (including non-verbal) clients. The aim of the training will be to assist OTs to
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Monday 8 August 2022
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Saturday 6 August 2022
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 5 August 2022
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Navigating Home Modifications in the NDIS

Wednesday 3 August 2022
This webinar is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things Home Modifications in the NDIS, both simple and complex. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the Home Modification operational guidelines. It will also include an overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, quoting and reporting. We will review the reporting required for all cost levels plus discuss various case scenarios demonstrating
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Sensory Processing & Modulation in Children Case Discussion

Tuesday 2 August 2022
For clinicians with developing experience in Sensory Processing and Modulation OR those who have completed the Introduction to Sensory Processing and Modulation in Children course and are wanting some more structured case discussions.
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 29 July 2022
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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Apple Accessibility 101 - 29 July & 4 August 2022

Friday 29 July 2022
Have you wondered about the built-in settings in your Apple devices, and how they can help the people you work with? This two-part workshop will provide an overview of iPad and iPhone accessibility settings and their potential suitability for people OTs may work with, including people with literacy, cognitive, vision and physical impairments. Two sessions will be run on the 29 July & 4 August 2022 from 11am to 12.30pm (AEST).
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 28 July 2022
In this interactive webinar, we take a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Allied New Grad Wellbeing - Be the Therapist you wish to see

Thursday 28 July 2022
A 2 hour truly immersive and interactive wellbeing workshop curated for allied health new grads and early career therapists. This session has been created for new grad/early career helping professionals who are transitioning through their journey from student to therapist. This session will hold safe space for attendees to self reflect with curiosity, sit with awareness, feel it all and commence creating routines and plans that foster sustainable wellbeing and aligned growth during these early
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Navigating Assistive Technology in the NDIS

Wednesday 27 July 2022
This webinar is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT in the NDIS. AT processes can be confusing, but this webinar will assist to break down the jargon and understand the role of the OT at all levels of AT prescription. The webinar will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and application of the AT operational guidelines. It will also include and overview of the various processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, trials and reporting.
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Tuesday 26 July 2022
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 21, 22, 28, 29 July 2022

Thursday 21 July 2022
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 21, 22, 28, 29 July 2022 from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day.
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Mobility Scooter Prescription

Thursday 21 July 2022
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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Psychosocial Disability - OT Role in Housing Transition

Thursday 21 July 2022
This webinar will explore factors that enable a person with psychosocial disability to transition successfully to a new living environment. Attendees will: 1. Understand functional capacity and relate this to a sustainable housing model/environment (e.g. SIL, ILO, SDA) 2. Understand factors that restrict/enable a sustainable home, from an OT perspective 3. Build knowledge of dynamic assessment approaches and outcomes measures in planning for and enabling housing transition. 4. Understand why
Online Webinar
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 20 & 27 July 2022

Wednesday 20 July 2022
Small group training for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 20 & 27 July 2022 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST).
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Tuesday 19 July 2022
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 15 July 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Thursday 14 July 2022
This session is tailored to the needs of mental health OT's in providing assessment and capacity building support to people experiencing psychosocial disability. OT-relevant NDIS principles of R&N will be explored and applied in the context of psychosocial disability. We will unpack report and recommendation-writing for optimal client outcomes. Attendees are offered opportunity to bring practice challenges for problem-solving in a supportive group environment.
Online Webinar
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 13, 14, 20, 21 October 2022

Thursday 7 July 2022
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 13, 14, 20, 21 October 2022 from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day.
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Psychosocial Webinar Bundle

Wednesday 6 July 2022
We currently have five psychosocial webinars scheduled and right now you have the option of purchasing them all at once!
Online Webinar
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Thursday 30 June 2022
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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Sensory Processing and Modulation in Children

Tuesday 28 June 2022
Sensory Processing and Modulation in Children – Foundations and Strategies for Participation. Self-regulation in children is an integral part of working with children in disability and autism spectrum disorders.
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The Power of the Pelvis

Tuesday 28 June 2022
Completing a comprehensive seating assessment so postural asymmetries and challenges around pressure risks can be identified effectively is essential in order to ensure functional outcomes and enable sustainable sitting tolerances. Whilst a MAT evaluation forms an important part of our role as seating clinicians, just as essential is knowing how to interpret the findings and understanding equipment configurations and features available to promote optimal outcomes.
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 24 June 2022
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Assistive Technology

Friday 24 June 2022
This webinar will provide attendee’s with a comprehensive overview of working with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and how to best advocate for their support needs. The session aims to:
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Navigating Assistive Technology in the NDIS

Wednesday 22 June 2022
This session is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT in the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and recent changes to the operational guidelines. It will also cover applying processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, trials and reporting. We will review the structure of the AT template (the better hybrid version), sample mid-cost AT template and discuss the evidence needed for AT success!
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The Restrictive Practice Puzzle - 21st & 28th June 2022

Tuesday 21 June 2022
Do you have questions about restrictive practices? Are you confused or lacking in confidence about what the OT practitioner has to offer in the area of restrictive practice? Would you recognise and respond appropriately to restrictive practices in your day to day practice? With the advent of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission, the rules around restrictive practices have become complex. There is a lot of information to take in and understand. Many OTs are feeling like they don’t
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 15th to 22 June 2022

Wednesday 15 June 2022
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 15th to 22 June 2022 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST).
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Friday 10 June 2022
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 10 June 2022
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 10 June 2022
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Thursday 9 June 2022
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Friday 3 June 2022
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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Standardised Assessment Tools: Administer, Interpret, Report

Thursday 26 May 2022
Are you new to the world of standardised assessments? Feeling slightly confused and overwhelmed by all that are available? In this session, we look at how to access, administer, score and report on some commonly used assessment tools for functional capacity assessments. You will see these assessment tools in action on your screen and pick up handy hints on how to easily implement them into your practice.
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Wednesday 25 May 2022
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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Navigating Assistive Technology in the NDIS

Monday 23 May 2022
This session is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT in the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and recent changes to the operational guidelines. It will also cover applying processes based on risk and cost, with respect to assessment, trials and reporting. We will review the structure of the AT template (the better hybrid version), sample mid-cost AT template and discuss the evidence needed for AT success!
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 20 May 2022
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Friday 20 May 2022
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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Emotional Regulation 101

Friday 13 May 2022
Emotional regulation therapy is widely used within the field of Occupational therapy, in order to assist both the paediatric and adult population, who have difficulties with such due to their disability. Difficulties with emotional regulation impact a persons independence, social relationships, expression of needs, being understood by others, behaviour and participation in school/home/play. This webinar is aimed to assist OT’s to gain a basic understanding of Emotional Regulation,
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 13 May 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 11th & 18th May 2022

Wednesday 11 May 2022
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 11th & 18th May 2022 from 9.30am to 11am (AEST).
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Advanced Sensory Processing in Adults – 201

Tuesday 10 May 2022
Designed for OTs who have already completed the Sensory Processing in Adults Course run by Nikki, or those who have an understanding of the principles of sensory processing including assessment and intervention concepts. This webinar will step attendees through the process of how to work with clients with identified sensory processing issues to implement an advanced program of sensory-based intervention for complex (including non-verbal) clients. The aim of the training will be to assist OTs to
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Working with People who Hoard, an OT Perspective

Thursday 5 May 2022
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind.
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SDA 201 - What comes next?

Monday 2 May 2022
Small group session focussing the SDA process once eligibility has been assessed. The session will explore AT and modifications in the SDA context, timing of applications, role of the developer and transitioning to living in SDA. Two hour session on Monday, 2 May 2022 from 1pm to 3pm (AEST).
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment & Intervention

Monday 2 May 2022
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 29 April 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Bidet Prescription 101

Friday 29 April 2022
Use of the toilet is a critical skill for independent living. The process of toileting is complex, consisting of mobilising to a toilet, undressing, positioning on the toilet, voiding bladder or bowels, cleansing the perineum area, applying / removing sanitary or incontinence products (if applicable), transferring off the toilet, redressing, flushing the toilet and washing hands. Toileting is usually mastered in early childhood and control over this private activity remains integral to a
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Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT) - 29/4, 27/5 & 24/6

Friday 29 April 2022
Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT) - are you confused by google vs alexa? eye gaze vs switches? matching technology to your person? the interface between electronic assistive technology and mainstream technology? home automation vs environmental control? Then this 3 part education series may be for you!
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 28, 29 April & 5, 6 May 2022

Thursday 28 April 2022
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 28, 29 April & 5, 6 May 2022 from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day.
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Thursday 28 April 2022
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 8 April 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 7 April 2022
In this interactive webinar, we take a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Improving staff retention using work style preference tools

Tuesday 5 April 2022
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) make up 25% of the Australian health workforce. Retention of AHP’s has been identified as a significant issue affecting public and private health services, where staff turnover varies between 26% and 39%. Poor job satisfaction related to lack of advancement opportunities, feelings of worthwhile accomplishment, level of autonomy, job fit and support from management, contribute to the intention to leave a position. Burnout and moral injury is also of significant
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Who am I now? OT role in identity reconstruction after ABI

Friday 1 April 2022
A person's identity is often left in tatters after an acquired brain injury. As occupational therapists, we often support a person to participate to manage the functional impairments caused by the sequelae of the brain injury. However, people often remain dissatisfied that they cannot perform pre-injury tasks the way they used to or that life roles and relationships have changed. They feel different now; aware they are not the person they used to be, unhappy with their current self, but unsure
Online Webinar
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Thursday 31 March 2022
This session is tailored to the needs of mental health OT's in providing assessment and capacity building support to people experiencing psychosocial disability. OT-relevant NDIS principles of R&N will be explored and applied in the context of psychosocial disability. We will unpack report and recommendation-writing for optimal client outcomes. Attendees are offered opportunity to bring practice challenges for problem-solving in a supportive group environment.
Online Webinar
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Thursday 31 March 2022
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Complex Seating AT and the NDIS

Tuesday 29 March 2022
This session has been designed for those who are keen to augment their skills in the AT application process that surrounds seating assessments, specifically complex seating, postural and pressure considerations and how to effectively address the NDIS ‘reasonable & necessary’ criteria for features and recommended components. Included will be some resources to aid in clinical justification of features and the evidence based, best practice recommendations which underpin complex seating prescription
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Friday 25 March 2022
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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Working with People who Hoard, an OT Perspective

Thursday 24 March 2022
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind.
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Allied New Grad Wellbeing - Be the Therapist you wish to see

Wednesday 23 March 2022
A 2 hour truly immersive and interactive wellbeing workshop curated for allied health new grads and early career therapists. This session has been created for new grad/early career helping professionals who are transitioning through their journey from student to therapist. This session will hold safe space for attendees to self reflect with curiosity, sit with awareness, feel it all and commence creating routines and plans that foster sustainable wellbeing and aligned growth during these early
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 23rd & 30th March 2022

Wednesday 23 March 2022
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 23rd & 30th March 2022 from 9.30am to 11am (AEDST).
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Animal Assisted Therapy

Friday 18 March 2022
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) has become more accessible in recent years, but what exactly is it? There are a range of different applications including therapeutic, emotional support and hippotherapy. This small group training session will cover off the purpose of animal assisted therapy, the evidence base and desired outcomes, funding sources and developing AAT into your own professional practice. This is a great session for anyone interested in exploring AAT for the benefit of their clients.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 16 March 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 11 March 2022
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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The Restrictive Practice Puzzle - 10th & 17th March 2022

Thursday 10 March 2022
Do you have questions about restrictive practices? Are you confused or lacking in confidence about what the OT practitioner has to offer in the area of restrictive practice? Would you recognise and respond appropriately to restrictive practices in your day to day practice? With the advent of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission, the rules around restrictive practices have become complex. There is a lot of information to take in and understand. Many OTs are feeling like they don’t
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Thursday 10 March 2022
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 9 March 2022
This session is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods. We will review the structure of the AT template (the better hybrid version) and discuss the evidence needed for AT success!
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ON DEMAND -The Art of Paediatric Therapy 4 Day Workshop

Monday 7 March 2022
ON DEMAND This recording of the 4 day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. It will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more.
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Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Assistive Technology

Monday 7 March 2022
This webinar will provide attendee’s with a comprehensive overview of working with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and how to best advocate for their support needs. The session aims to:
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Bidet Prescription 101

Friday 4 March 2022
Use of the toilet is a critical skill for independent living. The process of toileting is complex, consisting of mobilising to a toilet, undressing, positioning on the toilet, voiding bladder or bowels, cleansing the perineum area, applying / removing sanitary or incontinence products (if applicable), transferring off the toilet, redressing, flushing the toilet and washing hands. Toileting is usually mastered in early childhood and control over this private activity remains integral to a
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Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 3 March 2022
This webinar will explore strategies to assess for and manage risk in psychosocial disability practice. The focus is on keeping both client, therapist and relevant others safe while providing quality, trauma-informed assessment and therapeutic support. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT experienced in working with clients with psycho-social disability. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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Dear OT, how well is your well-being?

Monday 28 February 2022
We are thrilled to offer an updated and extended workshop to enable more time for interaction, completing the workbook and experiencing an extended meditation and mindfulness practice. An interactive 2.5 hour session created with the intention to commence supporting and guiding OTs towards self-discovery, sustainable wellbeing, growth, and empowerment in the ongoing humanitarian crisis climate we live in full of internal and external turbulence and tough emotions.
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Bidet Prescription 101

Friday 25 February 2022
Use of the toilet is a critical skill for independent living. The process of toileting is complex, consisting of mobilising to a toilet, undressing, positioning on the toilet, voiding bladder or bowels, cleansing the perineum area, applying / removing sanitary or incontinence products (if applicable), transferring off the toilet, redressing, flushing the toilet and washing hands. Toileting is usually mastered in early childhood and control over this private activity remains integral to a
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Allied New Grad Wellbeing - Be the Therapist you wish to see

Friday 25 February 2022
A 2 hour truly immersive and interactive wellbeing workshop curated for allied health new grads and early career therapists. This session has been created for new grad/early career helping professionals who are transitioning through their journey from student to therapist. This session will hold safe space for attendees to self reflect with curiosity, sit with awareness, feel it all and commence creating routines and plans that foster sustainable wellbeing and aligned growth during these early
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Psychosocial Disability - OT Role in Housing Transition

Thursday 24 February 2022
This webinar will explore factors that enable a person with psychosocial disability to transition successfully to a new living environment. Attendees will: 1. Understand functional capacity and relate this to a sustainable housing model/environment (e.g. SIL, ILO, SDA) 2. Understand factors that restrict/enable a sustainable home, from an OT perspective 3. Build knowledge of dynamic assessment approaches and outcomes measures in planning for and enabling housing transition. 4. Understand why
Online Webinar
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 18 February 2022
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing these application
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Sensory Processing & Modulation in Children...

Thursday 17 February 2022
Self-regulation in children is an integral part of working with children in disability and autism spectrum disorders. This workshop will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills of available sensory assessments (including feedback on the new SPM-2), and easy to implement interventions and strategies for children.
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Wednesday 16 February 2022
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 16 & 23 February 2022

Wednesday 16 February 2022
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 16th & 23rd February from 9.30am to 11am (AEDST).
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 10 February 2022
In this interactive webinar, we take a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Wednesday 9 February 2022
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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Postural Care for adults and Aged Care

Tuesday 8 February 2022
Enhancing function and quality of life by protecting body shape by supportive lying and sitting. Sounds simple, but a person’s lying posture can have a distorting effect on their body shape and structure. This is particularly relevant to people with mobility impairment. The session will explain how peoples body shape distorts, discuss how lying posture relates to sitting, relate supported lying and sitting to improved function and QoL.
Online Webinar
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The Restrictive Practice Puzzle - 8 & 15 February 2022

Tuesday 8 February 2022
Do you have questions about restrictive practices? Are you confused or lacking in confidence about what the OT practitioner has to offer in the area of restrictive practice? Would you recognise and respond appropriately to restrictive practices in your day to day practice? With the advent of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission, the rules around restrictive practices have become complex. There is a lot of information to take in and understand. Many OTs are feeling like they don’t
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Friday 4 February 2022
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 4 February 2022
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Thursday 3 February 2022
This session is tailored to the needs of mental health OT's in providing assessment and capacity building support to people experiencing psychosocial disability. OT-relevant NDIS principles of R&N will be explored and applied in the context of psychosocial disability. We will unpack report and recommendation-writing for optimal client outcomes. Attendees are offered opportunity to bring practice challenges for problem-solving in a supportive group environment.
Online Webinar
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Psychosocial Webinar Bundle

Wednesday 2 February 2022
We currently have six psychosocial webinars scheduled for 2022 and right now you have the option of purchasing them all at once!
Online Webinar
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 2 February 2022
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 17, 18, 19 & 20 January 2022

Monday 17 January 2022
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th January 2022 from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 15 December 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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RECORDING - SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Sunday 12 December 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 10 December 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Thursday 2 December 2021
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 1 December 2021
This session is for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods. We will review the structure of the AT template (the better hybrid version) and discuss the evidence needed for AT success!
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists- 1st & 8th December 2021

Wednesday 1 December 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 1st & 8th December 2021 from 9am to 10.30am (AEDT)
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment & Intervention

Monday 29 November 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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Sensory Processing & Modulation in Children...

Friday 26 November 2021
Self-regulation in children is an integral part of working with children in disability and autism spectrum disorders. This workshop will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills of available sensory assessments (including feedback on the new SPM-2), and easy to implement interventions and strategies for children.
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Discussing Planning for Death - Making Each Day Count...

Friday 26 November 2021
Discussing Planning for Death - Making Each Day Count for People with Life-Limiting illnesses As clinicians we are involved in the lives of the dying more than we realise. Effective palliative care should begin at the point of diagnosis of a terminal illness, be it a short prognosis of death as in oncology or MND, or a slower decline such as MS, dementia, COPD and so many others. But how can we provide effective palliative care if we can’t talk to the one who is dying about their death?
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 25 November 2021
In this interactive webinar, we take a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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NDIS 101 - The Basics & Practical Skills

Wednesday 24 November 2021
Navigating and understanding the NDIS systems and processes can be stressful and confusing. This workshop will assist OT's to understand the basics needed to work successfully within this scheme and the skills required to feel more prepared in taking on referrals and dealing with the NDIS. Perfect for new graduates and OT’s that are new to the NDIS world. In addition to NDIS navigation, this workshop will also include tips for surviving work within the NDIS, including a refresher in relation t
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Wednesday 24 November 2021
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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Pressure Care Foundations 101

Tuesday 23 November 2021
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Tuesday 23 November 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 19 November 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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Mobility Scooter Prescription

Thursday 18 November 2021
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Thursday 18 November 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Working with People who Hoard, an OT Perspective

Thursday 11 November 2021
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 10 November 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 10 & 17 November 2021

Wednesday 10 November 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 10th & 17th November 2021 from 9am (AEDST).
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Dear OT, how well is your well-being?

Monday 1 November 2021
An interactive two hour session created with the intention to commence supporting and guiding OTs towards self-discovery, sustainable wellbeing, growth and empowerment in the ongoing humanitarian crisis climate we live in full of internal and external turbulence and tough emotions. This session has been created for OTs who are experiencing personal & professional challenges, stressors, fatigue, mental health problems, feeling lost and unsure, struggling with motivation and inspiration, and
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 29 October 2021
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing these application
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Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 28 October 2021
In this interactive webinar, we take a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 27 October 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods.
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NDIS 101 - The Basics for OT providers

Wednesday 27 October 2021
Navigating the NDIS as a new provider can be stressful and confusing at times. This interactive group training session will focus on understanding the basics needed to work successfully within the NDIS. Work out your planner from your plan manager, you core from your capacity, understand the NDIS domains of function, the process for accessing the scheme and more! This session is a great introduction for those new to the NDIS and those still confused!
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment & Intervention

Tuesday 26 October 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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Mobility Scooter Prescription

Monday 25 October 2021
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 22 October 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 22 October 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 20 & 27 October 2021

Wednesday 20 October 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 20th & 27th October 2021 from 9am (AEDST).
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Monday 18 October 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Animal Assisted Therapy

Friday 15 October 2021
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) has become more accessible in recent years, but what exactly is it? There are a range of different applications including therapeutic, emotional support and hippotherapy. This small group training session will cover off the purpose of animal assisted therapy, the evidence base and desired outcomes, funding sources and developing AAT into your own professional practice. This is a great session for anyone interested in exploring AAT for the benefit of their clients.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 13 October 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Discussing Planning for Death - Making Each Day Count...

Friday 8 October 2021
Discussing Planning for Death - Making Each Day Count for People with Life-Limiting illnesses As clinicians we are involved in the lives of the dying more than we realise. Effective palliative care should begin at the point of diagnosis of a terminal illness, be it a short prognosis of death as in oncology or MND, or a slower decline such as MS, dementia, COPD and so many others. But how can we provide effective palliative care if we can’t talk to the one who is dying about their death?
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NDIS Practical Survival Skills

Wednesday 29 September 2021
This workshop will aim to assist new graduate OT's or OT's who are new to the clinical NDIS world, upskill and rediscover key practical skills, useful for survival in the disability setting. The workshop has been tailored to assist new graduates: feel more prepared for gaining and sustaining employment within this space. Topics covered will include: communication, initial assessment, goal setting, report writing, time management, prioritisation and work life balance.
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Dear OT, how well is your well-being?

Monday 27 September 2021
An interactive 90-minute session created with the intention to commence supporting and guiding OTs towards self-discovery, sustainable wellbeing, growth and empowerment in the ongoing humanitarian crisis climate we live in full of internal and external turbulence and tough emotions. This session has been created for OTs who are experiencing personal & professional challenges, stressors, fatigue, mental health problems, feeling lost and unsure, struggling with motivation and inspiration, and
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Friday 24 September 2021
OT's are well placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT's across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH-registered mental health OT. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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Recording -Functional AX, Psychosocial Disability & the NDIS

Friday 24 September 2021
RECORDING ONLY This webinar recording, takes a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We unpacked the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. Also discussed was how to incorporate assessment results into functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Mobility Scooter Prescription

Tuesday 21 September 2021
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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Sensory Processing & Modulation in Children...

Friday 17 September 2021
Self-regulation in children is an integral part of working with children in disability and autism spectrum disorders. This workshop will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills of available sensory assessments (including feedback on the new SPM-2), and easy to implement interventions and strategies for children.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 15 September 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Wednesday 15 September 2021
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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Dear OT, how well is your well-being?

Monday 13 September 2021
An interactive 90-minute session created with the intention to commence supporting and guiding OTs towards self-discovery, sustainable wellbeing, growth and empowerment in the ongoing humanitarian crisis climate we live in full of internal and external turbulence and tough emotions. This session has been created for OTs who are experiencing personal & professional challenges, stressors, fatigue, mental health problems, feeling lost and unsure, struggling with motivation and inspiration, and
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 10 September 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Thursday 9 September 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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NDIS 101 - The Basics for OT providers

Wednesday 8 September 2021
Navigating the NDIS as a new provider can be stressful and confusing at times. This interactive group training session will focus on understanding the basics needed to work successfully within the NDIS. Work out your planner from your plan manager, you core from your capacity, understand the NDIS domains of function, the process for accessing the scheme and more! This session is a great introduction for those new to the NDIS and those still confused!
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TEMPLATE 1.5hr- Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Wednesday 8 September 2021
OT’s are well-placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT’s across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH -registered mental health OT. This webinar will: 1. Examine motivational theory applicable to OT practice 2. Describe motivational approaches and strategies applicable to practice 3. Motivating environments: Setting our clients up well to maximise motivation
Online Webinar
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TEMPLATE 2h - Mobility Scooter Prescription

Wednesday 8 September 2021
TEMPLATE - DO NOT BOOK Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment & Intervention

Tuesday 7 September 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Friday 3 September 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods.
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Introduction to Postural Care (Night time positioning)

Thursday 2 September 2021
People who find it hard to move are at risk of developing destructive changes in their body shape. These changes can make life much more difficult for the person and for those caring for them. They are also preventable. This webinar provides an introduction on how to protect body shape using therapeutic positioning, particularly at night. This webinar is for care of all ages. This form of therapy is very gentle and based on common sense principles pioneered by the Goldsmiths in the UK.
Online Webinar
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Mobility Scooter Prescription

Tuesday 31 August 2021
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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Motivational Strategies in OT Practice

Friday 27 August 2021
OT's are well placed to address fluctuating motivation of our client groups. This webinar will be relevant to OT's across a broad range of practice areas, and can contribute to CPD hours for BAMH-registered mental health OT. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 25 August 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Complex Seating AT and the NDIS

Tuesday 24 August 2021
This session has been designed for those who are keen to augment their skills in the AT application process that surrounds seating assessments, specifically complex seating, postural and pressure considerations and how to effectively address the NDIS ‘reasonable & necessary’ criteria for features and recommended components. Included will be some resources to aid in clinical justification of features and the evidence based, best practice recommendations which underpin complex seating prescription
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Mobility Scooter Prescription

Tuesday 24 August 2021
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 20 August 2021
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing these application
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 20 August 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Wednesday 18 August 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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NDIS Practical Survival Skills

Wednesday 18 August 2021
This workshop will aim to assist new graduate OT's or OT's who are new to the clinical NDIS world, upskill and rediscover key practical skills, useful for survival in the disability setting. The workshop has been tailored to assist new graduates: feel more prepared for gaining and sustaining employment within this space. Topics covered will include: communication, initial assessment, goal setting, report writing, time management, prioritisation and work life balance.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 18 August & 25 August

Wednesday 18 August 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 18th & 25th August 2021.
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment & Intervention

Tuesday 17 August 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Friday 13 August 2021
This webinar will explore strategies to assess for and manage risk in psychosocial disability practice. The focus is on keeping both client, therapist and relevant others safe while providing quality, trauma-informed assessment and therapeutic support. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT experienced in working with clients with psycho-social disability. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Wednesday 11 August 2021
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Tuesday 10 August 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Psycho-social Disability and SDA Housing

Friday 6 August 2021
Julia Spehar, SDA special support coordinator from Rubix Support, and formerly Summer Foundation, will be joining OT Muriel Cummins to facilitate a webinar on gaining SDA approval for participants with psychosocial disability. Notoriously difficult, Muriel and Julia will share their expertise on: Understanding and sourcing relevant evidence to support an SDA application for a participant with psycho-social disability Addressing primary and secondary conditions within the application Applying SD
Online Webinar
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Animal Assisted Therapy

Friday 6 August 2021
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) has become more accessible in recent years, but what exactly is it? There are a range of different applications including therapeutic, emotional support and hippotherapy. This small group training session will cover off the purpose of animal assisted therapy, the evidence base and desired outcomes, funding sources and developing AAT into your own professional practice. This is a great session for anyone interested in exploring AAT for the benefit of their clients.
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Friday 6 August 2021
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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iinsight for NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 4 August 2021
Interactive webinar session on iinsight for NDIS OT providers. The session will include a deep dive into the functionality of the iinsight system specific to an NDIS OT practice. The session will cover billing, case noting, invoicing, documentation and more.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 4 August 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Introduction to Pressure Injury Management for OT's

Tuesday 3 August 2021
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers - RECORDING ONLY

Saturday 31 July 2021
THIS IS RECORDING OF THE LATEST WEBINAR ONLY Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Sensory Processing in Adults – RECORDING ONLY

Saturday 31 July 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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NDIS 101 - The Basics for OT providers

Wednesday 28 July 2021
Navigating the NDIS as a new provider can be stressful and confusing at times. This interactive group training session will focus on understanding the basics needed to work successfully within the NDIS. Work out your planner from your plan manager, you core from your capacity, understand the NDIS domains of function, the process for accessing the scheme and more! This session is a great introduction for those new to the NDIS and those still confused!
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 23 July 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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Mobility Scooter Prescription

Tuesday 20 July 2021
Mobility scooters are high-risk assistive technology, as each year many people across Australia are in an accident using a scooter. This training will outline the step-by-step process to assess, request and train adult clients to use mobility scooters. Steps will be outlined using the OT process to mitigate risks and ensure good outcomes.
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 18, 19 & 25, 26 July 2021

Sunday 18 July 2021
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 18th, 19th, 25th & 26th May 2021 from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day.
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Psychosocial Disability - OT Role in Housing Transition

Friday 16 July 2021
This webinar will explore factors that enable a person with psychosocial disability to transition successfully to a new living environment. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT experienced in working with clients with psycho-social disability. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Thursday 15 July 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 14 July 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Monday 12 July 2021
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 7th & 14th July 2021

Wednesday 7 July 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 7th & 14th of July 2021 from 9am (AEST).
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RECORDING ONLY - An Overview of the NDIS Act for OT Practice

Thursday 1 July 2021
RECORDING ONLY The recording of this webinar will provide an overview of the NDIS Act 2013 for OT Practice. It will build understanding of the national and international drivers for a social model of disability. It will also build knowledge of functional capacity, functional domains and reasonable and necessary supports. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT.
Online Webinar
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Introduction to Postural Care (Night time positioning)

Wednesday 30 June 2021
People who find it hard to move are at risk of developing destructive changes in their body shape. These changes can make life much more difficult for the person and for those caring for them. They are also preventable. This webinar provides an introduction on how to protect body shape using therapeutic positioning, particularly at night. This webinar is for care of all ages. This form of therapy is very gentle and based on common sense principles pioneered by the Goldsmiths in the UK.
Online Webinar
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Practical OT Skills in the NDIS

Wednesday 30 June 2021
This workshop will aim to assist new graduate OT's or OT's who are new to the clinical NDIS world, upskill and rediscover key practical skills, useful for survival in the disability setting. The workshop has been tailored to assist new graduates: feel more prepared for gaining and sustaining employment within this space. Topics covered will include: communication, initial assessment, goal setting, report writing, time management, prioritisation and work life balance.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Monday 28 June 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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An Overview of the NDIS Act for OT Practice

Friday 25 June 2021
This webinar will provide an overview of the NDIS Act 2013 for OT Practice. It will build understanding of the natioinal and international drivers for a social model of disability. It will also build knowledge of functional capacity, functional domains and reasonable and necessary supports. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Friday 25 June 2021
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment & Intervention

Thursday 24 June 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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NDIS 101 - The Basics for OT providers

Wednesday 23 June 2021
Navigating the NDIS as a new provider can be stressful and confusing at times. This interactive group training session will focus on understanding the basics needed to work successfully within the NDIS. Work out your planner from your plan manager, you core from your capacity, understand the NDIS domains of function, the process for accessing the scheme and more! This session is a great introduction for those new to the NDIS and those still confused!
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 18 June 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Thursday 17 June 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 16 June 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Thursday 10 June 2021
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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TEMPLATE - The Art of Paediatric Therapy - ADD DATES

Thursday 10 June 2021
TEMPLATE ONLY - This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the ADD DATES IN HERE 2021 from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 9 June 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Tuesday 8 June 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT) - 4/6, 16/7 & 13/8/21

Friday 4 June 2021
Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT) - are you confused by google vs alexa? eye gaze vs switches? matching technology to your person? the interface between electronic assistive technology and mainstream technology? home automation vs environmental control? Then this 3 part education series may be for you!
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment and Intervention

Thursday 3 June 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 2nd & 9th June 2021

Wednesday 2 June 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 2nd and 9th June 2021 from 9am to 10.30am (AEST) .
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Monday 31 May 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 26 May 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Wednesday 19 May 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Practical OT Skills in the NDIS

Wednesday 19 May 2021
This workshop will aim to assist new graduate OT's or OT's who are new to the clinical NDIS world, upskill and rediscover key practical skills, useful for survival in the disability setting. The workshop has been tailored to assist new graduates: feel more prepared for gaining and sustaining employment within this space. Topics covered will include: communication, initial assessment, goal setting, report writing, time management, prioritisation and work life balance.
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The Art of Paediatric Therapy - 16, 17, 23, 24 May 2021

Sunday 16 May 2021
This four day workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of working with children aged 2-18 yrs of age. This workshop will increase your understanding of practice models, funding options, therapy models, assessment, reporting, goal setting, base line intervention strategies, behaviour management, therapeutic use of self and more… The workshop will be delivered via webinar format across 4 days on the 16th, 17th, 23rd & 24th May 2021 from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day.
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 14 May 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 12 May 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Wednesday 12 May 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Tuesday 11 May 2021
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of clinical reasoning and provision of reportin
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Tuesday 11 May 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 7 May 2021
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing these application
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Friday 7 May 2021
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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NDIS 101 - The Basics for OT providers

Wednesday 5 May 2021
Navigating the NDIS as a new provider can be stressful and confusing at times. This interactive group training session will focus on understanding the basics needed to work successfully within the NDIS. Work out your planner from your plan manager, you core from your capacity, understand the NDIS domains of function, the process for accessing the scheme and more! This session is a great introduction for those new to the NDIS and those still confused!
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Trauma and Mandatory Reporting

Tuesday 4 May 2021
This 1.5 hour session is aimed at supporting practitioners to understand the role of complex trauma in the presentations of the children and young people they work with and provide an insight in to trauma informed strategies. An overview of Mandatory Reporting obligations and what is reportable will be discussed. This webinar is aimed at being an interactive experience that will allow attendees to ask questions to support their understanding of the material presented.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Monday 3 May 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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Animal Assisted Therapy

Friday 30 April 2021
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) has become more accessible in recent years, but what exactly is it? There are a range of different applications including therapeutic, emotional support and hippotherapy. This small group training session will cover off the purpose of animal assisted therapy, the evidence base and desired outcomes, funding sources and developing AAT into your own professional practice. This is a great session for anyone interested in exploring AAT for the benefit of their clients.
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Pressure Injury Management for OT's

Friday 30 April 2021
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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Practical OT Skills in the NDIS

Thursday 29 April 2021
This workshop will aim to assist new graduate OT's or OT's who are new to the clinical NDIS world, upskill and rediscover key practical skills, useful for survival in the disability setting. The workshop has been tailored to assist new graduates: feel more prepared for gaining and sustaining employment within this space. Topics covered will include: communication, initial assessment, goal setting, report writing, time management, prioritisation and work life balance.
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 28 April 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 28 April & 5 May 2021

Wednesday 28 April 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 28 April and 5 May 2021.
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment and Intervention

Tuesday 27 April 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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TEMPLATE - Thermomix Prescription 101

Saturday 24 April 2021
TEMPLATE ONLY - DO NOT BOOK Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Friday 23 April 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 23 April 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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Thermomix Prescription 101

Tuesday 20 April 2021
Gaining independence with meal preparation is an important task of daily living for many participants. OT's often receive requests for assistive technology to build capacity and increase independence in the kitchen, but just how exactly can a Thermomix do this? This interactive webinar session will review the clinical considerations when prescribing a Thermomix including how it can increase independence in meal preparation, preparation of evidence of clinical reasoning and provision of reportin
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RECORDING-OT for Participants who Hoard & Acquire Belongings

Friday 16 April 2021
RECORDING ONLY - The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind. To be held on 16 April 2021 at 11am AEDT.
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OT for Participants who Hoard & Acquire Belongings

Friday 16 April 2021
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind. To be held on 16 April 2021 at 11am AEDT.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Thursday 15 April 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Monday 12 April 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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NDIS 101 - The Basics for OT providers

Wednesday 7 April 2021
Navigating the NDIS as a new provider can be stressful and confusing at times. This interactive group training session will focus on understanding the basics needed to work successfully within the NDIS. Work out your planner from your plan manager, you core from your capacity, understand the NDIS domains of function, the process for accessing the scheme and more! This session is a great introduction for those new to the NDIS and those still confused!
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - 24th & 31 March 2021 (CANCELLED)

Wednesday 31 March 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 24th and 31 March 2021.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists- 31 March & 7 April 2021

Wednesday 31 March 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 31 March & 7 April 2021 from 9am to 10.30am.
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NDIS Registration for NDIS OT providers

Tuesday 30 March 2021
This interactive webinar delivered by Chantal Robards takes a closer look at the process in becoming a registered provider to the NDIS. It is suitable for those transitioning to registration with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission as well as those seeking new registration or renewal. Content will include understanding the self-assessment process, the difference between verification and certification, selecting an auditor, developing policies and procedures and undertaking an audit.
Online Webinar
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Trauma and Mandatory Reporting

Tuesday 30 March 2021
This 1.5 hour session is aimed at supporting practitioners to understand the role of complex trauma in the presentations of the children and young people they work with and provide an insight in to trauma informed strategies. An overview of Mandatory Reporting obligations and what is reportable will be discussed. This webinar is aimed at being an interactive experience that will allow attendees to ask questions to support their understanding of the material presented.
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Functional Assessment, Psychosocial Disability and the NDIS

Friday 26 March 2021
This interactive webinar, takes a closer look at OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability due to mental health conditions. We unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore matching assessments to client need. We will also discuss how to incorporate assessment results into functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS concepts, principles and expectations.
Online Webinar
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Thursday 25 March 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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TEMPLATE - Functional Assessment for Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 25 March 2021
This webinar will provide: 1. An overview of OT functional assessment processes, and standardised and non-standardised assessment tools, for NDIS participants with psychosocial disability 2. We'll unpack the OT assessment toolbox and explore tailoring assessment reports and recommendations to client need. 3. AND we'll discuss how to incorporate assessment results into your functional assessment reports, in a manner that is compatible with NDIS legislation, concepts, and expectations.
Online Webinar
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Thursday 25 March 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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TEMPLATE - Risk Assessment, NDIS & Psychosocial Disability

Thursday 25 March 2021
TEMPLATE ONLY This webinar will explore strategies to assess for and manage risk in psychosocial disability practice. The focus is on keeping both client, therapist and relevant others safe while providing quality, trauma-informed assessment and therapeutic support. Delivered by Muriel Cummins, OT experienced in working with clients with psycho-social disability. 1.5hour interactive webinar session.
Online Webinar
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 24 March 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods.
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Pressure Injury Management for OT's

Tuesday 23 March 2021
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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Intro to OT, Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS - RECORDING

Monday 22 March 2021
RECORDING ONLY This recorded webinar is tailored to the needs of mental health OT's in providing assessment and capacity building support to people experiencing psychosocial disability. OT-relevant NDIS principles of R&N were explored and applied in the context of psychosocial disability. Report and recommendation-writing for optimal client outcomes were unpacked. Attendees were offered opportunity to bring practice challenges for problem-solving in a supportive group environment.
Online Webinar
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 19 March 2021
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing an application.
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TEMPLATE - Intro to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Friday 19 March 2021
DO NOT BOOK. TEMPLATE ONLY. This session is tailored to the needs of mental health OT's in providing assessment and capacity building support to people experiencing psychosocial disability. OT-relevant NDIS principles of R&N will be explored and applied in the context of psychosocial disability. We will unpack report and recommendation-writing for optimal client outcomes. Attendees are offered opportunity to bring practice challenges for problem-solving in a supportive group environment.
Online Webinar
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Pressure Injury Management for OT's (CANCELLED)

Thursday 18 March 2021
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Thursday 18 March 2021
This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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SDA 201 - What comes next?

Wednesday 17 March 2021
Small group session focussing the SDA process once eligibility has been assessed. The session will explore AT and modifications in the SDA context, timing of applications, role of the developer and transitioning to living in SDA. 1.5 hour session from 9am to 10:30am.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Tuesday 16 March 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment and Intervention

Tuesday 16 March 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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Introduction to OT - Psychosocial Disability in the NDIS

Friday 12 March 2021
This session is tailored to the needs of mental health OT's in providing assessment and capacity building support to people experiencing psychosocial disability. OT-relevant NDIS principles of R&N will be explored and applied in the context of psychosocial disability. We will unpack report and recommendation-writing for optimal client outcomes. Attendees are offered opportunity to bring practice challenges for problem-solving in a supportive group environment.
Online Webinar
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NDIS 101 - The Basics for OT providers

Wednesday 10 March 2021
Navigating the NDIS as a new provider can be stressful and confusing at times. This interactive group training session will focus on understanding the basics needed to work successfully within the NDIS. Work out your planner from your plan manager, you core from your capacity, understand the NDIS domains of function, the process for accessing the scheme and more! This session is a great introduction for those new to the NDIS and those still confused!
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 5 March 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking and more!
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 3 March 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT complexity levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods.
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SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists- 3 March & 10 March 2021

Wednesday 3 March 2021
Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the 3 March and 10 March 2021.
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Pressure Injury Management for OT's

Tuesday 2 March 2021
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples.
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Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Friday 26 February 2021
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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Sensory Processing in Adults – Assessment and Intervention

Thursday 25 February 2021
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Wednesday 24 February 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT risk and cost levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods. Review of the new NDIS AT template and process for complex home modifications will also be covered.
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SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Tuesday 23 February 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 19 February 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking and more!
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Understanding AT and Home Mods - NDIS OT Providers

Thursday 18 February 2021
Small group training session for OT's requiring further guidance and support in all things AT and home modification for the NDIS. The session will focus on understanding the NDIS rules and operational guidelines, in addition to the AT risk and cost levels and how they guide the process for the provision of AT and home mods. Review of the new NDIS AT template and process for complex home modifications will also be covered.
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Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Tuesday 16 February 2021
Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 12 February 2021
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing an application.
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TEMPLATE - NDIS Functional Assessments 101

Friday 12 February 2021
TEMPLATE ONLY DO NOT BOOK This webinar will provide attendees with increased knowledge and understanding in delivered comprehensive functional assessments. Including what a functional assessment entails, when it should be completed, how to conduct the assessment and preparation of the report. This webinar will also aim to address questions around what your template should include and understand the non standardised and set standardised assessments tools required by the NDIS, for this service.
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TEMPLATE - Sleep Tight - Selecting the Most Suitable Bed

Friday 5 February 2021
Just what are the risks with bed prescription? From adjustable beds to rails, sticks and restrictive practices…..what do you as an OT need to know? This session will cover clinical considerations for prescription of adjustable beds for children and adults with disabilities. Discussion will include risk assessment, and feature selection in order to select the right bed to safely meet the individual needs. You will learn about zero gravity, Trendelenburg, central locking, alternative
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TEMPLATE - SIL and ILO - Housing Options 101 for NDIS OT's

Friday 29 January 2021
SIL refers to the individual or shared supports provided to participants with disability to live as independently as possible. Beyond SIL, participants also have more flexibility to explore other options for housing including ILO. But what is the OT role in assessing for SIL/ILO? This session will explore how OT's can assist in providing evidence for eligibility, identifying required level of supports, utilising standardised assessments and making recommendations for capacity building.
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TEMPLATE - Assistance Dogs 101 for NDIS OT's

Tuesday 29 December 2020
It's the referral that makes us all tremble, an application is needed for an assistance dog. We know there are guidelines and templates, but how do we best articulate the information required for a successful application? This two hour interactive session will provide an overview of the NDIS guidelines for assistance animals, steps/process for an assistance dog application including assessment, supporting evidence and AT template, and avoiding the common pitfalls in preparing these application
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TEMPLATE - Animal Assisted Therapy

Tuesday 29 December 2020
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) has become more accessible in recent years, but what exactly is it? There are a range of different applications including therapeutic, emotional support and hippotherapy. This small group training session will cover off the purpose of animal assisted therapy, the evidence base and desired outcomes, funding sources and developing AAT into your own professional practice. This is a great session for anyone interested in exploring AAT for the benefit of their clients.
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TEMPLATE - Pressure Injury Management for OT's

Tuesday 29 December 2020
Pressure injuries can be a life-threatening condition. Occupational Therapists should be confident to identify, prevent and treat pressure injuries as part of a team. Practical strategies will be outlined, suitable to apply if you work in acute care, rehab, community, or with special conditions such as spinal cord injury and palliative care. The 2019 International Pressure Injury Clinical Practice Guidelines will be discussed and applied with real life examples. Monday 7th December 11am-1pm
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TEMPLATE - NDIS 101 - The Basics for OT providers

Tuesday 29 December 2020
THIS IS A TEMPLATE. DO NOT USE FOR BOOKING. Navigating the NDIS as a new provider can be stressful and confusing at times. This interactive group training session will focus on understanding the basics needed to work successfully within the NDIS. Work out your planner from your plan manager, you core from your capacity, understand the NDIS domains of function, the process for accessing the scheme and more! This session is a great introduction for those new to the NDIS and those still confused!
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TEMPLATE - Sensory Processing in Adults – AX& Intervention

Tuesday 29 December 2020
Routinely addressed by OTs working with children, the importance of sensory processing is often overlooked by OTs working with adults. Sensory Processing assessment should form part of the holistic assessment process OTs complete when working with all adults in disabilities. This session will focus on equipping attendees with the knowledge and skills to complete sensory assessments, interventions and how to compile this information into a report when working with adult clients with disabilities.
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TEMPLATE - Working with People who Hoard, an OT Perspective

Tuesday 29 December 2020
The webinar will explore the prevalence, significance and functional impact of compulsive hoarding broadly and from an OT perspective. We will look at therapeutic strategies and underpinning evidence for these. Assessment approaches and tools will also be reviewed. This webinar is designed with the needs of NDIS participants with psychosocial disability, in mind.
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TEMPLATE Sensational Start to Setting Up in Private Practice

Tuesday 29 December 2020
Developed by Practice Owner, Paediatric OT, and Business Coach Alyce Svensk. This workshop aims to guide you through the nitty gritty side of setting up a business in allied health. Suitable for anyone considering the move to set up for themselves. This comprehensive workshop will walk you through all the considerations prior to starting, provide a step by step guide to establishing yourself in private practice and assist you to best position yourself for the future. Make a sensational start by
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TEMPLATE - Life Skills Training for NDIS OT Providers

Tuesday 29 December 2020
THIS IS A TEMPLATE. DO NOT USE FOR BOOKING. Small group session aimed to equip OT attendees with the knowledge and skills required to implement Life Skills Training with clients with disabilities, including (but not limited to) those with conditions such as Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Neurological Conditions and Developmental Delay. This education session is suitable for any OT wanting to develop their skills in this area with adolescent and adult clients.
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TEMPLATE - SDA 201 - What comes next?

Tuesday 29 December 2020
THIS IS A TEMPLATE. DO NOT USE FOR BOOKING. Small group session focussing the SDA process once eligibilty has been assessed. The session will explore AT and modifications in the SDA context, timing of applications, role of the developer and transitioning to living in SDA. 1.5hour session on Wednesday 23rd September from 9am to 10:30am.
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TEMPLATE - SDA 101 for Occupational Therapists - ADD DATES

Tuesday 29 December 2020
THIS IS A TEMPLATE. DO NOT USE FOR BOOKING. Small group training and supervision sessions for OT's looking to increase their skills for working in SDA. Presented by Jane Galvin, an experienced OT working within the SDA space providing OT functional assessments for the development of SDA Housing plans. Attendees will develop an understanding of the SDA rules, eligibility criteria, assessment requirements and OT role in reporting to obtain SDA funding. Two sessions will be run on the ...
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TEMPLATE - Sensory Processing and Modulation in Children

Tuesday 29 December 2020
Self-regulation in children is an integral part of working with children in disability and autism spectrum disorders.