Aged Care Careers Expo
Dear visitors,
The registration has been closed but you are still welcome to visit the Expo. However, lunch is not guaranteed for non registered participants unless we have spare meals available.
Discover how to gain employment in the area of aged care, meet employers, and the best way to get started in your new career.
An aged care career can make a difference in people's lives, give back to society, and keep you active and fit. Come and find out what you need to know to get started.
What area of aged care should you pursue and what jobs are available?
Which specialisation are you most passionate about?
What aged care qualifications should you study?
Cost: Free
Expo highlights:
• Guest speakers will share their experiences working in Aged Care
• Over 25 Aged Care services will be available to connect with on the day
• Refreshments and light lunch will be provided
When: Thursday 23 March 2023
Time: 10am – 12.30pm
Where: Dougherty Centre, 7 Victor St