LEAP by Home Education WA - Incursion Day Thursday 23 March

Please complete the data collection and payment for child(ren) in your OWN family. You can nominate another adult to provide supervision on your behalf.$0.50 booking fee per ticket.
Standard prices shown (per student/per workshop). HEWA members please use code HEWA2023 for 20% off*
KINDY-YR2 (maximum 24 per workshop)
10:00-11:00 Little Genius Science "Fun with Fossils" ($17.50)
11:15-12:15 Amanda Elizabeth "Shark Biology" ($12.50)
YRS 3-6 (maximum 24 per workshop)
10:00-11:00 Amanda Elizabeth - "Shark Biology" ($12.50)
11:15-12:15 Little Genius Science - "Fun with Fossils" ($17.50)
YRS 7-9 (maximum 24 students)
12:30-13:30 Amanda Elizabeth "Shark Biology" ($12.50)
*HEWA memberships start from $50pa ($35pa for concession card holders) https://hewa.wa.edu.au/membership/join/
Leisurelife Centre
Kent St, East Victoria Park WA 6101