Bishops Palace Paranormal Investigation small group

Gothic style Mansion built in 1877 to house the the first bishop of Ballarat Bishop - Michael O'Çonnor for the Diocese of Ballarat and subsequent Bishops up until 1996 when it was taken over privately. Six Bishops treated the palace as their home. Three bishops are still there plus several other spirits. Equipped with paranormal ghost hunting equipment you will be shown how to connect with spirit, shown how to use equipment, be a part of experiments and get a chance to roam this grandiose spooky building in a small group of approx. 10 pax up to3 hours with an experienced paranormal investigator. 17yrs and over. Stairs involved. (Old building with no wheelchair/disability access sorry. In this tour we walk around in the dark, going up and down stairs. This is a historic venue with stairways not lit up. The onus will be on you to take extreme care. Option of 20 minute personal psychic medium reading for $20!Dates
Wednesday 26 February 2025 - Wednesday 19 November 2025 (UTC+11)Location
Bishops Palace
1444 Sturt St, Lake Wendouree Vic 3350