We're kicking off a big year for South Australian spoken word with our annual Summer Slam. All the standard slam rules apply - two-minute time limit, no props, no costumes etc. The full list of rules can be found here: https://spokenwordsa.com.au/summer-slam-2023-heat-1/This year, the SA Summer Slam will have THREE HEATS. The top three scoring poets from each heat will go to the final. To make up our ten finalists, the Spoken Word SA team will be choosing a WILD CARD! There are always stand-out competitors who perform amazing work but don't quite get the scores to go through. This year, we will be watching the heats closely to pick one such competitor to send through to the final.
Book your tickets now! Poets sign up on the night when the doors open.
Cumberland Hotel - The Cumby
76 Causeway Rd, Glanville SA 5015