Nature Connection Workshop: Surf Coast Sustainability Series

Research shows that when we are more connected to Nature we are significantly more likely to protect it. The intention with this inclusive gathering is to facilitate nature connection and deep ecology activities for adults and children . This activity provides an opportunity for people of all ages to connect to the beautiful natural world around them in fun and inviting ways. An opportunity for you (and any little wild ones you may have) to explore and develop your connection to Nature through play, learning and community connection.Join co facilitators, Pru Gell from Coming to Life and Alicia Crawford Bell from Liminial Life to spend time really slowing down and connecting with the natural world can ignite, or rekindle our appreciation for the awesome-ness of the natural world and how vital it is to look after it.
Painkalac Creek Nature Reserve
Aireys Inlet/Fairhaven, Vic 3231