Venus Bay SLSC Harriet Brown Workshop
Venus Bay SLSC is proud to host World Ironwoman Champion Harriet Brown. Harriet's workshop will focus on nutrition for female athletes and discuss how female athletes can fuel their bodies for training and to race at their best. As food is so intricately tied to body image it can sometimes be hard to see the positives food can give us. In this presentation, Harriet shares her journey with food and focuses on how to develop a positive relationship with food.The workshop will commence at 2pm and run for about an hour with questions at the end. The nutrition workshop is targeted towards female athletes, however, following this she will run a general Q&A session plus a practical board training session for any SRC/Bronze members who would like to attend. The day will conclude around 4:30/5pm. Please wear a pink vest for the board session.
Venus Bay SLSC
Jupiter Blvd, Venus Bay Vic 3956