Ecosocialism 2023 - A World Beyond Capitalism

Ecosocialism 2023 will bring together ecosocialists from around the world, examining the intersection between the ecological, economic and political crises of this time and draw together activists from various progressive social movements to discuss how we campaign for a world beyond Capitalism.This conference is welcome to anyone who wants to learn more about progressive ideas and being part of the struggle for a better world
Featuring Japanese Marxist academic Kohei Saito, the author of Capital in the Anthropocene as a keynote speaker and a diverse range of international and local speakers from the Asia-Pacific.
See the full speaker list and agenda:
Tickets can also be purchased at the door.
Selected sessions of the conference will be live-streamed including all the sessions held at the Solidarity Hall. Tickets available for individual sessions.
Victorian Trades Hall
54 Victoria St, Carlton VIC 3053