BIODIVERSITY IN CRISIS: Ask the Earth, it will speak to you.

A Public Forum: Earth's Biodiversity is in crisis. There is an urgent need for an ecologically sustainable relationship with the earth. Faith traditions and the ecological sciences have much to learn from and contribute to each other as we collaborate in action for the sake of a flourishing planet, our common home.
The Faith Ecology Network(FEN) is an interfaith network of people connecting faith with ecological awareness and care. We are a hard-working volunteer network which has been going since 2003. We currently rely totally on donations. We are grateful to the Randwick Council Sustainability Department for once again supporting FEN with the venue and facilities for this public forum, a World Environment Day event.
We are grateful to you too for your contribution to this event which will raise some funds towards our goal of engaging a part-time co-ordinator. We understand if you are currently financially constrained and would like to contribute in some other way eg. by your presence at this event and your supportive action. Please see the Registration Details. For the Gathering on the day, please bring some leaves from a native plant species.
The Program:
1. Gathering;
2. Welcome;
3. Key Speaker Rachel Morgain, Biodiversity Council;
4.Presentation of Ten Ways Faith Groups Care for Biodiversity;
5.Table Discussions leading to a Statement;
7.Guided Wetlands Walk;
8.Concluding Statement to be submitted to key people and groups.
Sunday 18 June 2023
Location Randwick Sustainability Hub , Plenty of Parking, On Bus Route
Randwick Sustainability Hub 27 Munda St, Randwick NSW
27 Munda St, Randwick