Scrolling for endless hours.
Sacrificing self for views.
Spiralling deeper and deeper into strange corners and twisted crevices.
Little gained and so much lost.
Subversive, comedic and thought-provoking, Better Than… is a journey through online worlds and the effects these body-consuming spaces have on the human psyche.
From melting monsters to fanatic Facebook mums and much in between, this show platforms the flip side of mainstream media, where exploitation and inauthenticity are rewarded with views. How far is too far
Devised by: Lisa McDonell, Michelle Fry and cast
Director: Lisa McDonell
Assistant Director: Michelle Fry
Cast: William Braham, Sophie Brunner, Madilyn Burden, Jarrah Carlile, Kerth Caro, Hayden Cotter, Jadyn Holmik, Matthew Kennedy, Sydney Madsen, Sienna Pallone, Jess Romeo, Mars Steele, and Bayley Summerfield
Stage Manager(s): Cris Chavez, Thi Tran, and Charlotte Tucker
Sound Design: Lisa McDonell
Lighting Design team: Cris Chavez, Jarrah Carlile, Mars Steele, Thi Tran, Charlotte Tucker
Sound/ AV Operator: Thi Tran
Lighting Operator: Cris Chavez
Poster/Image Design: Charlotte Tucker, Cris Chavez, and Ethan Millie
Soundtrack: King Crimson, In the Court of the Crimson King
Video: Lisa McDonell, Thi Tran, Charlotte Tucker, Cris Chavez and cast
*Please be advised this production contains flashing lights and contains ideas of self-harm, child exploitation, grooming, violence and sexism.
Date: Thursday 18 – Saturday 20 May 2023, 7pm nightly and Saturday 20 May, Matinee, 2pm
Location: Building 29 Theatre G02
University of Wollongong
Northfields Ave
Phone: 02 4221 4354
Email: assh-events@uow.edu.au
For more information, please see the TAEM Performance website
Please be advised that this production has a COVID-Safe plan in place to reduce risk of potential virus transmission. If you are unwell or displaying cold and flu type symptoms, including coughing, you will not be permitted entry. Refunds will be issued if you are unwell and unable to attend.
No tickets will be available at the door - all tickets must be purchased through this site.