FranchisingWA 2023 Legal Symposium - Friday 10 November

FranchisingWA is proud to announce the 2023 Franchising Legal Symposium.Examine the nuances of the Franchise Legal Industry and hear from local Industry Specialists as they share their expertise and experiences on a wide variety of topics.
Our speakers include:
Joe Lazzara – Thomson Geer Law – Partner
"I will give an update on current Franchising legal cases and their outcomes. This session is not to be missed.”
Carolyn Meighan – Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers – Special Counsel
"I will give an overview of the current employment issues relating to the Franchise sector together with an update on workplace safety practices.”
John Dorazio – SW Accountants & Advisors – Director
“I will walk through my top tips on building Franchise systems and Franchisee compliance.”
Mark Fernandez, Certified Franchise Executive, CEO FranchisingWA will update the Proposed Changes to the Code
Networking lunch and drinks provided during the session.
Book your tickets today!
Kailis Bros Leederville
101 Oxford Street, Leederville WA 6007