ACU Ballarat One Day Conference

The inaugural conference for the Australian Centre for the Advancement of Literacy at ACU Ballarat will offer the latest research for teaching early word reading and spelling. Six of Australia's most respected reading researchers will present on Evidence-Based Practice, How Children Learn to Read and Spell, Teaching Phonics, Teaching Vocabulary, and Teaching Morphology, Oral language, Vocabulary and EAL/D students. The Interactive Conference Program offers live links to full PDFs of research associated with the sessions. The cost is $90pp and places are strictly limited. As a courtesy to our schools, a special group ticket price of $225 for 5 educators has been applied for 2 weeks only from Aug. 7 to Aug. 21 at 12:00 midnight. Please use the Staff Group ticket at checkout. Invoices can be raised promptly by contacting stating school name, accounts person contact, address, phone no. and ABN.Location
Australian Catholic University (ACU)
Ripon Avenue, Ballarat Victoria 3350