Adventure Corp Rd3 - Eastern Creek

Adventure Corp Eastern Creek is the last Event from Ultimate Rock Crawling 2023, This event is brought to you by Total Traction Services.We are back at Eastern Creek.
Competitor tickets and pit crew
Pit Crew limited to a max of 4 per team.
Spectators must enter via the show
No general camping
Please bring or download your ticket to gain entry
Need to be on site Friday from 7am.
The Event will start by 9am Friday and will run all day and will then re-start 9am Saturday and will go through to approx 2pm Sunday.
There will be a night stage Saturday night.
Please be back on site no later than 10pm in the evenings as we won't be letting people in at all hours
Instructions for entry.
• Access is via gate A – competitor entry
• Then go around the perimeter of the show
• Enter Car Park D2
• Drive to the end of the car park
• Enter through gate in the fence with your coded lock
I have attached a map of the area which indicates the parking area.
Eastern Creek
Ferrers Road, Eastern Creek NSW 2766
Please bring or download your ticket to gain entry and bring it to the URC Gazebo. Passes will be available for the show for competitors
Keep speed down to walking pace whist moving to the track, harness / seat belt must be worn while vehicles are in motion, all vehicles must be escorted by Navi or pit crew at all times
Do not try to let people in without paying for the show, if this happens you will be banned for future events
No fires
• Any abusive or drunken behavior from any pit crew / teams / Spectators will result in removal from the event
• No drink is permitted while the show is open and after hours must be responsible as we need to keep this event very professional.
• Children must be supervised not be allowed to walk through pits without an adult.
• Wrist bands must be worn at all times
• Noise curfew from 10:00pm onwards, this is not negotiable and no access to the show after hours or you will be asked to leave the band from future event and won't be allowed back.
Everyone must be back on site by 10pm at the latest or you now be able to get in until the morning, this is a directive from the show and is not negotiable
• Anyone that breaks the event rules will be removed from the property any shall forfeit any monies paid.
• No digging up main entry track or around the camping area
• By gaining access to the event you are agreeing to abide by the above rules.
The is a Cross Country Drivers Association (CCDA) sanctioned event
For information about this event, please contact the 'Event Organizer'.
No refunds