Meiwi Aboriginal Art by Sam Gollan

An exhibition of art by renowned Ngarrindjeri/Kaurna artist Sam Gollan whose work is featured in many of South Australia's public and private buildings, including the Royal Adelaide Hospital and other major institutions. The exhibition will be opened on Friday 25 August and include drinks and nibbles and music. The Opening is free; everyone welcome. If you wish you can register for the Opening (not essential) by selecting the Book Now button. The exhibition will be open from Thursday 24 August to Sunday 27 August. See times below. Exhibition Open Times:
Thursday 24 August 9.30am to 4pm
Friday 25 August 9.30am to 4pm Official Opening at 6.30pm - everyone welcome. Register for the Opening by selecting the Book Now button - this will assist with catering.
Saturday 26 August 9.30am to 4pm
Sunday 27 August - from 2pm. Only with ticket to Concert for The Voice Here's the link for the Concert for The Voice tickets - Concert for the Voice
Church of the Trinity Uniting Church
318 Goodwood Road, Clarence Park South Australia 5034