Blue Mountains Drama Adult Series 2023
2023 Adult Drama Series - Theatre is an ancient tradition storytelling. It tells our own very personal stories; it tells stories of our families and people we know; and tells stories of our community. And often it does all 3 at once! It reflects our experiences back to us from the stage, and gives us an opportunity to remember, re-examine and share our stories.SESSION OCT-DEC - MY FAMILY STORIES
A 7 week course exploring stories about your families culminating in a small performance for your friends & families. You will be taking stories about your parents, siblings, partners, kids, and grandparents and bringing them to the stage.
Acting lessons/exercises, rehearsals and performances and basic writing are part of each session. Suitable for both experienced actors and those new to acting. Individual and group work. Led by experienced professional actors/acting teachers. See for more info
Kindle Hill School
8 Lake St, Wentworth Falls NSW 2782