Understanding the impact of feral cats and pest animals
Understanding the impact of feral cats and pest animals on rural properties. Join the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust and Local Land Services at a property on Bywong Rd Cumnock (1hr north west of Orange).From 10am hear from the following experts about available control options and those in development for feral cat management in NSW, and the impact of feral cats on threatened species and how to effectively set cage traps for feral cat trapping.
Ecologist Tiff Mason - Biodiversity Conservation Trust
Biosecurity Officer Kyle Hanns - Local Land Services
Project Officer Amy Edwards - DPE Environment and Heritage Group
Enjoy refreshments, then from12:30 tailored advice on effective, best practice management strategies for all vertebrate pests species will be offered. Participants will be contacted prior to the event so relevant demonstration material and equipment to hire is available on the day. Bring a chair, dress appropriately for field activities including enclosed sh
422 Bywong Rd, Cumnock NSW 2867