Technology for musicianship and creativity.
Do all the new music apps available make your head spin? Have you wanted to incorporate some technology to your studio teaching but don’t know where to start? This workshop will help you unleash the full potential of simple metronome apps, through beat makers/drum machines, and, finally, full looper pedals in your instrumental lessons. These tools can help beginners find fun ways to internalize pulse, developing students keep interest in all those boring, repetitive scales and exercises, and advancing players to explore improvisation and composition. Get ready to explore new dimensions in your students’ potential as we delve into ways to integrate these powerful apps and devices into your teaching toolbox. AUSTA WA is honoured to present experienced WA violinist and teacher Ruth Klein Cook in this exciting online event, which will also be available later as a recording for all who register.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser
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