Calming Minds 8-12 yrs Mondays 3.30-4.30pm 8 Week Programme

For children aged 8 to 12 years old, Mondays 3.30 - 4.30pm during Term 4, 2023, running from Week 2 through to Week 9.Participating in the Calming Minds 8-week programme, children can experience the benefits of quietening and calming their minds while regulating their own emotions, to improve their ability to retain and recall information, improve concentration and learn to redirect their mind chatter from a ‘Fixed Mindset’ to a ‘Growth Mindset’ (negative to a positive mindset) to support good mental health and overall wellbeing – the greatest life tools we can give them!
Mindful Meditation is such a special gift we can give to our children, not only so they can use in their every day life now, but it’s a beautiful skill-set they can take into their adulthood.
Meerilinga Children and Community Service Hilton
85 Rennie Crescent , South Hilton Western Australia 6163