Adelaide German Week '23 - Kinoabend
Join us for Kinoabend at Prospect Palace Nova.
Mingle and enjoy a complimentary drink and snack in the foyer ahead of a special in-cinema presentation with Mr Andrew Holman, former editor of several major publications here and interstate.
Our film Tausend Zeilen/A thousand lines is an entertaining and thought-provoking light-drama on the very relevant topic of fake news.
The film is a fictionalised account of the real-life 2018 scandal exposing der Spiegel journalist Claas Relotius, and deals with the importance of integrity in journalism in the face of commercial and political influence, and the online world.
Directed by Michael Bully Herbig, starring Elyas M'Barek, Jonas Nay and Marie Burchard
German with English subtitles
Australian Rating: M
Palace Nova Cinemas
98 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082