How to stop overthinking day retreat Newcastle

At this day retreat, Buddhist Teacher Kadam Mick Marcon will explain what we can do to stop the habit of overthinking and come to experience a happier, calmer and less chaotic mental environment.
Discover how to stop thinking the thoughts you don’t want to think and start thinking the thoughts you do want to think. Learn what to do when your thoughts start to become circular, negative, stuck or unclear. By gaining a deeper understanding of our inner world, we will find it much easier to switch off when we need to and as a result we will experience genuine peace of mind and an improved quality of life.
Discover how to stop thinking the thoughts you don’t want to think and start thinking the thoughts you do want to think. Learn what to do when your thoughts start to become circular, negative, stuck or unclear. By gaining a deeper understanding of our inner world, we will find it much easier to switch off when we need to and as a result we will experience genuine peace of mind and an improved quality of life.
Losang Dragpa Kadampa Buddhist Centre
36 Texas Street, Mayfield NSW 2304
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