Summer Camp is for students entering years 9-12 at school in 2024.
Our theme this year is THE GREAT ESCAPE. You can view the Information Flyer here.
We have tried our best to minimise the rise in cost from last year, but with everything being a bit more expensive we have needed to make a small increase in fees. If you are unable to afford the full cost of camp, please contact our Youth Minister to discuss alternate arrangements.
First Child $460
Second Child $410
There is a $30 early bird discount applied to these prices until Sunday 19th November.
Each camper will need to be registered separately in order for the collection of data to be specific to the camper.
Please note that all email communication will be sent to the email address you provide in the registration process.
Leaders already receive a discount and are not counted in the number of people attending from the same family.
Should you have any questions about the application process please contact our Youth Minister: Cameron Hyslop 0417 415 027 cameron.hyslop@jac.org.au