Libby Book Club for WA with Laurie Steed - ONLINE EVENT

Join us for a special edition Libby Book Club in February both online and in-person.Laurie Steed is a writer living and working in the Wadjak region. His fiction has been broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and published in numerous anthologies. The father of two young boys, Laurie reflects on how his own experiences have defined the kind of man he is and the kind of parent he would like to become in his new book.
During this book club, guests will have the opportunity to ask questions, interact with the authors, and enjoy a bookish discussion. Hosted by David Allan-Petale – brought to you via Libby, the library reading app. The Zoom link will be emailed to all attendees on the day of the event.
This month’s featured title ‘Love Dad. Confessions of an Anxious Father' should be available to borrow from your local library with no waitlists or holds! If not, you can request your library buys this title. Download Libby and find your local library to start reading.
Online event access details will be provided by the event organiser