Mary/Mary - A New Musical - Work in Progress Reading

Mary Wollstonecraft was an 18th century writer who spent her life advocating for the rights of women. Her daughter, Mary Shelley, wrote the novel Frankenstein when she was just nineteen. They both lived extraordinary lives. Join us for a work-in-progress reading of this new musical by Kate Knott and Irene Nicola (with Jonathan Kerr) that tells the story of these trailblazing women. After the reading, a Q&A and feedback session will be held with audience members invited to share their responses to this latest development draft.The musical touches on aspects of the two women's lives that still have huge resonance today: the right of a woman to make her own choices in life; the right of a mother to also be a creator; how youthful passion and idealism can be bent and battered by the realities of living but how each life lived unapologetically and authentically can be a step on the path towards a better world.
Please note - not recommended for attendees under 15
Flow Studios
57 Denison Street, Camperdown NSW 2050