Summer Slam 2024 - Heat One

Slam it into 2024! Spoken Word SA's annual Summer Slam is back. In a friendly, low stakes - but high fun - competition, poets will bring their words and voices to stages around Adelaide. The top three scoring poets from each heat will make it to the final... along with two "wild card" entrants! Our wild cards will be stand-out performers from any heat that didn't get through to the final, hand-picked by the SWSA team.Standard Slam Rules apply: strict two-minute time limit, no props, no costumes, no musical accompaniment, poems must be the original work of the performer. See for the full list of rules.
$10 entry for both audience and competitors. Doors open at 6.30PM for a 7.00PM start. Competing poets sign up at the door when it opens.
State Library of South Australia
North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000